HELP! Ancestor is complete! Grave has been located flag photo of Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD   Marie Albina Clarinda  RENAUD

  (b. 13 August 1876 Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA   d. 24 January 1971 Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA )  
Age: 94
Cause of Death: stroke

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RENAUD Family Tree

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Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD was born 13 August 1876 in Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA

Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD was the child of Edouard RENAUD dit LOCAS   and   Parmelia (Adelina) MARTIN and the grandchild of: (paternal)  Jean Baptiste RENAUD dit LOCAS and Angeline (Angel) THIBAULT (THIBEAU) (maternal)  Pierre MARTIN and Marie-Vitaline DESMARAIS

Spouse(s)/Partner(s) and Child(ren):

Marie Albina Clarinda  married  Reuben BAKER 11 August 1895 in Millbury, Massachusetts, USA .  The couple had (at least) 4 children. Reuben BAKER  was born 14 April 1874 in Sutton, Massachusetts, USA.  Reuben died 13 January 1921 in Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville).  Reuben was the child of John BAKER and Jane DAVIS.

Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD died 24 January 1971 in Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA .

Her nickname was "Beana". I never knew why that was, but I suspect it was because one of her many names was "Albina" (as noted in the 1880 US Census – see below).

Her gravestone states her year of birth as 1877. The Social Security Death Index states her birth year as 1876.

Renaud Name Meaning
French: from a personal name composed of the ancient Germanic elements ragin ‘counsel’ + wald ‘rule’ an equivalent to English Reynold . Compare Arno Erno Rayno Reneau Reno and Reynaud . Altered form of French Arnaud . English (of Norman origin): variant of Reynold .

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022

Similar surnames: Renouf, Reynard, Henard, Lenard, Ewald, Renaldo, Rigaud, Denard

Details of the family tree of Marie appear below.

Spouse(s) / Partner(s) and Child(ren) of Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD


Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD married Grave has been locatedAncestor is complete!flag photo of Reuben BAKER  Reuben BAKER-- Date: 11 August 1895 Place: Millbury, Massachusetts, USA
Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1925
Researching Your Colonial New England Ancestors

Reuben BAKER was the child of John BAKER and Jane DAVIS

Vol: 453 ; Page: 468

Married in Millbury by J.A. Charland, Catholic Priest

Groom's Name: Reuben Baker
Groom's Birth Date: 1875
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age: 20
Bride's Name: Clarinda Reno
Bride's Birth Date: 1876
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age: 19
Marriage Date: 11 Aug 1895
Marriage Place: Millbury, Massachusetts
Groom's Father's Name: John
Groom's Mother's Name: Jane Davis
Bride's Father's Name: Edward
Bride's Mother's Name: Amelia Martin
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M02732-5
Syst Origin: Massachusetts-EASy
Source Film Number: 1651245
Reference Number: vol 453 pg520 #13
Collection: Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910

Children of Reuben BAKER and Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD:

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Postcards and Memories of Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

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1876 Birth
August 13, 1876 -- Marie C. Renard born in Southbridge, daughter of Edouard Renard and Emeline Martin.

Name: Marie Clerilda Renaud
Gender: Female
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
Birth Date: 12 Aug 1876
Birthplace: Southbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: Edward Renaud
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Emeline Martin
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I01052-2
System Origin: Massachusetts-ODM
GS Film number: 2047599
Reference ID:

'Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,' index, FamilySearch ( pal:/ MM9.1.1/ VQDF-WF5 : accessed 18 May 2013), Edward Renaud in entry for Marie Clerilda Renaud, 12 Aug 1876.
Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1925
Researching Your Colonial New England Ancestors
marriage1895 Marriage / Partner
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD and Reuben BAKER 11 August 1895, Millbury, Massachusetts, USA

She was 19 years old.
Reuben Baker marries Clarinda Reno on Aug 11, 1895 in Millbury (or Sutton), MA. Reuben is 20, living in Sutton. Clarinda is 19, living in Millbury. Reuben is an operative born in Sutton. Clarinda is a weaver born in Sturbridge. Reuben's parents are John and Jane (Davis). Clarinda's parents are Edward and Amelia (Martin).
Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1925
Researching Your Colonial New England Ancestors
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - Worcester Daily Spy Worcester, Massachusetts August 9, 1895
Worcester Daily Spy
Worcester, Massachusetts
August 9, 1895
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - 1895 marriage
1895 marriage
Official Marriage Certificate
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - 1895 Marriage. Millbury, Worcester, Massachusetts.
1895 Marriage. Millbury, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1925
Researching Your Colonial New England Ancestors
A marriage license was issued Thursday to Reuben Baker of Sutton and Miss Clarinda Reno of South Main st, Millbury.

Worcester Daily Spy
Worcester, Massachusetts
August 9, 1895
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - Worcester Daily Spy Worcester, Massachusetts August 12, 1895. Millbury, Massachusetts.
Worcester Daily Spy
Worcester, Massachusetts
August 12, 1895. Millbury, Massachusetts.
1896 Birth of Child
Edward E BAKER was born 3 July 1896, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

Marie Albina Clarinda was 19 years old.
Reuben, age 25, working at Print Works. It lists his father as having been born in Canada and his mother, born in Massachusetts. (This is probably inaccurate). His wife is Clarinda. She is 23 years old, born Aug. 1876 in Massachusetts. Her parents were born in Canada. They have 2 children, Edward, born in 1896 and Flora, born in 1900. Both children were born in Massachusetts.
1900 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
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1900 Birth of Child
Mary Flora BAKER was born 11 April 1900, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

Marie Albina Clarinda was 23 years old.
1903 Birth of Child
William A BAKER was born 6 February 1903, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

Marie Albina Clarinda was 26 years old.
Invention In 1906, Reginald Fessenden made the first AM radio broadcast on December 24th. This event marked a significant advancement in radio technology, paving the way for the modern broadcasting industry.
Reuben (misspelled Ruben) at age 34. He is listed as having been born in Rhode Island. His parents are also listed as having been born in Rhode Island (probably Ireland). His wife, Clara, is 34 years old. She is listed as born in Massachusetts. Her parents were born in Canada. The children are: Edgar (most likely Edward), 14, Flora, 10, William, 7. The children were all born in Massachusetts. They are living on Sayles St. in Southbridge, Massachusetts.
1910 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
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Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - MYSTERY PHOTO This photo was labeled Leos grandparents. The label is in my grandmothers handwriting. I believe this might be in error and that the
This photo was labeled Leo's grandparents. The label is in my grandmother's handwriting. I believe this might be in error and that the people in the photo are Leo's parents (Marie Clarinda Renaud and Reuben Baker). The photo taken by A. Benoit? Southbridge, MA - year unknown - NOTE: A. (Ademard) Beniot was a photographer on Hamiliton St. in Southbridge from around 1910 till around 1936.
photos and papers belonging to Evelyn Feige Baker
1911 Birth of Child
Leo George BAKER was born 24 December 1911, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

Marie Albina Clarinda was 35 years old.
marriage1917 Marriage of Child
Edward E BAKER married 2 July 1917, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville) to Edith Louise BOYLE
1919 Southbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts
Baker Reuben (Albina) emp H W Co. h 23 Sayles
1919 Massachusetts City Directory - Southbridge
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1921 Death of Spouse/Partner
Reuben BAKER died 13 January 1921, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)
Baker Albina wid Reuben emp H W Co h 23 Sayles
Edward (Edith) emp Lensdale h 34 Pine
Flora b 23 Sayles
Reuben died Jan 13 1921
The Southbridge and Sturbridge Directory 1922. Salem Massachusetts: Henry M. Meek Publishing Co., 1922
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marriage1923 Marriage of Child
William A BAKER married 4 September 1923, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville) to Beatrice Evelyn LEBOEUF
marriage1927 Marriage of Child
Mary Flora BAKER married 16 August 1927, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville) to Frank Earnest COLBY
Baker Clerranda r 147 Everett
Baker Edward E (Edythe L), foreman Am Op Co r 267 Main
1928 Massachusetts City Directory - Southbridge and Sturbridge
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News1929 - October 29 - Black Tuesday - Stock market crash - The Great Depression Begins - It lasted until 1941 (WW2)
Clarinda Baker living on Bates Hill in Fiskdale Village, Sturbridge, MA. She is 52 years old, widowed, born in MA. She is listed as mother-in-law. Living with her are: head of household, Frank E. Colby, age 52, b. Maine, age at first marriage 49, machinist in optical company; Flora, wife, age 30, b. MA, age at first marriage 27.
1930 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
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marriage1932 Marriage of Child
Leo George BAKER married 10 January 1932, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville) to Evelyn Pearl FEIGE
Invention 1934 - The metal beverage can is invented (American Can Co., United States)
1940 Sturbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts
Name: Clarinda Baker
Age: 63
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1877
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Mother-in-law
Home in 1940: Sturbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts
Street: Bates Hill
Inferred Residence in 1935: Sturbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 5B
Household Members:
Name Age
Frank Colby 63
Flora Colby 40
Clarinda Baker 63
1940 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
Ancestry US
Invention 1940 - April - 1st electron microscope demonstrated (RCA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Invention The microwave oven was invented accidentally in 1945 by Percy Spencer, a Raytheon engineer. While testing a magnetron, he noticed microwaves melted a candy bar in his pocket. Experimenting further, he discovered microwaves could cook food quickly. Raytheon patented the process, and by 1947, they built the first commercial microwave oven, called the 'Radarange.' Initially used in commercial settings, microwaves becomes affordable for home use by the 1960s and 1970s, revolutionizing cooking.
1950 - Fiskdale, Massachusetts
Name: Clarinda M Baker
Age: 72
Birth Date: abt 1878
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Massachusetts
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Mother-in-law
Residence Date: 1950
Home in 1950: Fiskdale, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Household Members Age Relationship
Francis E Colby
73 Head
Flora Colby
50 Wife
Clarinda M Baker 72 Mother-in-law
1950 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
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Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - August 16, 1960 l to r: Marie Baker Renaud (83), Frank Colby (83), Flora Baker Colby (60)
August 16, 1960
l to r: Marie Baker Renaud (83), Frank Colby (83), Flora Baker Colby (60)
photos and papers belonging to Evelyn Feige Baker
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD -

Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - My mother and my great-grandmother, Marie C. Renaud Baker - 1962
My mother and my great-grandmother, Marie C. Renaud Baker - 1962
News1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis was a tense 13-day standoff in October 1962 between the United States and the Soviet Union over the installation of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from the U.S. coast. The crisis is considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war. It began when American spy planes discovered the missiles, leading to a U.S. naval blockade of Cuba and intense negotiations. The crisis ended when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles in exchange for the U.S. promising not to invade Cuba and secretly agreeing to remove American missiles from Turkey.
News1963 - I Have a Dream Speech - Martin Luther King's Address at March on Washington August 28, 1963.
Baker Marie C retd r Bates Hill (F)
Polk's Southbridge (Worcester County, Mass.) City Directory 1965
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1967 Death of Child
Edward E BAKER died 1 March 1967, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

Marie Albina Clarinda was 90 years old.
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - Marie C. Renaud Baker (around 94 years old)
Marie C. Renaud Baker (around 94 years old)
1971 Death
Massachusetts, Death Index, 1970-2003
name: Marie Baker
event: Death
event date: 24 Jan 1971
event place: Southbridge, Massachusetts
death certificate number: 002954
birth date:
birthplace: Unknown Nativity
spouse's death date:
spouse's death place:
spouse's death certificate number:
spouse's birth date:
spouse's birth place: (Mormon Genealogy Records)
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Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - Grave of Reuben Baker and Marie C. Renaud   St. Marys Cemetery, Southbridge, MA
Grave of Reuben Baker and Marie C. Renaud
St. Mary's Cemetery, Southbridge, MA
Photo taken by us
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - Marie C. Renaud Baker obituary The Southbridge Evening News, Southbridge, MA, Mon. Jan 25, 1971
Marie C. Renaud Baker obituary
The Southbridge Evening News, Southbridge, MA, Mon. Jan 25, 1971
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - 1971 Death. Southbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts.
1971 Death. Southbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Official Death Certificate
From The Southbridge Evening News, Southbridge, MA, Mon. Jan 25, 1971

Mrs. Marie Baker

SOUTHBRIDGE - Mrs. Marie C. (Renaud) Baker, 94, formerly of Bates Hill Road, Fiskdale, died yesterday in the Southbridge Nursing Home...was the widow...(can't read it).

She was born in Sturbridge, the daughter of Edward and Adelina (Martin) Renaud.

Mrs. Baker leaves two sons, William and Leo Baker of Southbridge, a daughter, Mrs. Flora Colby of Fiskdale, a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Rapanault of Southbridge, five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 8:15 from the Daniel T. Morrill Funeral Home, with a High Mass at 9 in St. Mary's Church. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.

Calling hours at the funeral home are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today.
Marie Albina Clarinda RENAUD - 1971 Funeral Expenses.
1971 Funeral Expenses.
Added: 12/16/1999 12:00:00 AM - Updated: 4/23/2023 2:18:44 PM
Did You Know?America - Did you know? Although Ohio is listed as the 17th state in the U.S., it is technically 47th because Congress forgot to vote on a resolution to admit it to the Union until 1953.

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