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flag  History of Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Journey back in time to Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Visit Montpelier, Vermont, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Vt.

Montpelier, Washington, Vermont, USA

Montpelier was given the name of a city in France.
How New England Towns Received Their Names
The Day
New London, Connecticut
October 21, 1914

With a population of fewer than nine thousand people, Montpelier, Vermont is the smallest state capital in the U.S.

Montpelier, Is the largest producer of maple syrup in the U.S.

There is MUCH more to discover about Montpelier, Vermont, USA. Read on!

Montpelier Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Montpelier House, Montpelier, Vt. Y.M.C.A. Building at left.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Montpelier House, Montpelier, Vt. Y.M.C.A. Building at left.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Bird's-Eye View - West, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Bird's-Eye View - West, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - State Capitol, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

State Capitol, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Birthplace of Admiral Dewey, Montpelier, Vt., 1904
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Birthplace of Admiral Dewey, Montpelier, Vt., 1904
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - State Street and Pavilion Hotel, 1904
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

State Street and Pavilion Hotel, 1904
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Montpelier High School
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Montpelier High School
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Heaton Hospital, 1906
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Heaton Hospital, 1906
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Scene on Main Street, Montpelier, Vt., after Big Snow Storm, February 9, 1906
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Scene on Main Street, Montpelier, Vt., after Big Snow Storm, February 9, 1906
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Bird's Eye View of City, looking East
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Bird's Eye View of City, looking East
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Lower State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Lower State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Union School
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Union School
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Home Office Building of National Life Insurance Co.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Home Office Building of National Life Insurance Co.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Entrance to Green Mountain Cemetery
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Entrance to Green Mountain Cemetery
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Central Vt. Passenger Station, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Central Vt. Passenger Station, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Montpelier Seminary
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Montpelier Seminary
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Winooski River, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Winooski River, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Lower State Street and Langdon Meadow, 1910
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Lower State Street and Langdon Meadow, 1910
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - View of Lower State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

View of Lower State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - C.V. Station, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

C.V. Station, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Bird's Eye View of City, looking North
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Bird's Eye View of City, looking North
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Depot Square
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Depot Square
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - High School
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

High School
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Main Street Looking Northeast
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Main Street Looking Northeast
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Main Street - Residence Section
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Main Street - Residence Section
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Scene on Lower State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Scene on Lower State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - City Hall, 1911
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

City Hall, 1911
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Main St.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Main St.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Barre St., Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Barre St., Montpelier, Vt. "looking down to Maine".
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Court House and Post Office
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Court House and Post Office
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - The Pavilion Hotel
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

The Pavilion Hotel
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Heaton Hospital
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Heaton Hospital
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Administration Building, Vermont Junior College
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Administration Building, Vermont Junior College
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - National Life Insurance, Home Office Building
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

National Life Insurance, Home Office Building
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Main Street, Library, and Churches
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Main Street, Library, and Churches
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Flood Wreckage on State Street Near Hotels, Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 5th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Flood Wreckage on State Street Near Hotels, Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 5th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Riverside Inn, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Riverside Inn, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Flood Scene Looking Down State Street, Nov. 4th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Flood Scene Looking Down State Street, Nov. 4th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Flood Wrecked Sexton's Residence, Lower State Street, Near Cemetery, Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 5th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Flood Wrecked Sexton's Residence, Lower State Street, Near Cemetery, Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 5th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Flood. Nov. 3 & 4, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Flood. Nov. 3 & 4, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Flood Scene on East State Street, High Water Mark on Buildings, Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 4th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Flood Scene on East State Street, High Water Mark on Buildings, Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 4th, 1927
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Observatory, Hubbard Park, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Observatory, Hubbard Park, Montpelier, Vt.
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - St Augustine Church
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

St Augustine Church
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Main Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Main Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - The Jewett, 157 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

The Jewett, 157 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont, USA - Toy Town
Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Toy Town

Discover Montpelier: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1781 - Montpelier, Vermont founded

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1805 - Montpelier named capital of Vermont webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ vttimeln.htm
1835 - Abolitionist Samuel J. May mobbed during lecture in Montpelier webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ vttimeln.htm
1839 - Montpelier
Montpelier, Vermont
The capital of the state and shire town of the county of Washington. It lies in N. lat. 44° 17', and W. lon. 72° 36'. It is 182 miles W. from Augusta, Me.; 97 N.N.W. from Concord, N.H.; 160 N.W. by N. from Boston, Mass.; 200 N. by W. from Providence, R.I.; 205 N. from Hartford, Ct.; 148 N.E. from Albany, N.Y.; and 524 miles from Washington. First settled in 1786. Population, 1830, 2,985. Montpelier became the seat of government in 1805, and the shire town of the county, in 1811. It is finely watered by Onion river and by several branches of that stream. These streams afford a good water power, on which are manufacturing establishments of various kinds. The surface of the town is very uneven and hilly, but not mountainous. The soil is very good along the streams, and the highlands produce excellent pasturage. The agricultural products are various and valuable. In 1837 there were between 8,000 and 9,000 sheep in the town.

This township was granted October 21,...

1849 Montpelier
Montpelier is the county town, and capital of the State. The township is watered by the Winooski River, which runs through the south-east corner, and along the southern boundary by the Little North Branch, which crosses the south-west corner, by Kingsbury Branch, which crosses the north-east corner, and by several smaller streams. The mill privileges are both good and numerous.

The surface of the town is uneven, but the soil is very warm, is uncommonly fine, and there is scarcely an acre of waste land in Montpelier, the most of it richly, and all of it fairly rewarding the labors of the industrious farmer. The prevailing character of the rocks is slate and lime, sometimes distinct, but more generally combined. Rare minerals have not been found here, unless the sulphurets of iron, copper, and talc, which are common in the slate rocks, be reckoned. Some years ago there was a company formed and a charter obtained, for boring for salt; and, by the aid of machinery, a hole was... Read MORE...

1854 - Montpelier
Montpelier, the seat of justice of Washington county, Vermont, and capital of the state, is situated on the Onion river, and on the great railway thoroughfare connecting the Atlantic with the St. Lawrence river, 200 miles N. W. from Boston, and 85 miles S. E. from Montreal. Lat. 44° 17' N., Lon. 76° 36' W. It occupies a central position in the state, and is chiefly remarkable for its active trade and general improved appearance. The state house, fronting on State street, is a magnificent granite structure, which cost upwards of $130,000. It is in the form of a cross, 150 feet in length, and 100 feet deep, including the portico, which consists of six columns, each 6 feet in diameter at the base, and 86 feet high. The building is surmounted by a dome, the apex of which is 100 feet from the ground. The court house and rail road depots are also worthy of notice. Montpelier contains 2 banks, 5 churches, 5 newspaper offices, and about 30 stores. It became the capital of the state in 1805,... Read MORE...

MONTPELIER, Vt., Tuesday, Jan. 6. - 8 P.M.
The Vermont Capitol building is now on fire, with no hope of saving the entire edifice from destruction. The capacious dome is enveloped in flames, and the fire is rapidly spreading to all parts of the building. The origin of the fire is laid to some defect in the heating apparatus.
The New York Times
New York, New York
February 7, 1857
1869 - Agricultural society for dairymen, the Vermont Dairy Association, was organized in 1869 in Montpelier. resources/ state-facts/ vermont.html
1869 - December 27 - A post Christmas storm in New York and Vermont produced record storm totals of 30 inches at Burlington, VT, and 39 inches at Montpelier VT. A public emergency was declared in Vermont.
MONTPELIER, Jan. 23. - Michael Dingley, of Bethel, a fireman on a freight train on the Central Vermont Railway, was killed this morning at Montpelier Junction.
The New York Times
New York, New York
January 24, 1877
1895 - Montpelier
Montpelier, the capital of Vermont and of Washington co., is situated on a plain, on the Winooski or Onion River, at the mouth of its N. branch, about 200 miles N.N.W. of Boston, and 40 miles E.S.E. of Burlington. Lat. 44° 17' N.; lon. 72° 35' W. It is on a branch of the Central Vermont Railroad, and is a terminus of the Montpelier & Wells River Railroad. It is surrounded by a hilly country which is fertile and highly cultivated. The state-house is a handsome granite edifice, with a portico supported by 4 massive Doric columns, and a dome which is 124 feet high. Montpelier contains a court-house, 6 churches, national banks, 2 savings-banks, the Vermont Methodist Seminary, a graded school, the state library of about 14,000 volumes, printing-offices which issue 2 weekly newspapers, and 3 hotels. Here are several flour-mills, tanneries, manufactories of machinery, children's carriages, &c., and marble, and granite-works. This town became the capital of Vermont in 1805. Pop. in 1860,... Read MORE...

1900 - TO-DAY'S FIRES. Langdon Block, Montpelier, Gutted Early This Morning. IGNITED FROM AN ELECTRIC WIRE.
Was Ready for Occupancy of Savings Bank and Insurance Company.
(Special to the Messenger.)

Montpelier, March 23. - The new brick and granite block, at the corner of Main and State streets, that has been in process of construction for the past year by the executors of the James R. Langdon estate and which was nearly ready for occupancy, was gutted by fire at an early hour this morning.

The origin of the fire is a mystery but as it started between the floors it is believed to have been caused by electric light wires.
The damage is estimated at $5,000 and it may be considerable more.
The whole interior of the rooms that were to be occupied April 1 by the Montpelier Savings Bank and the Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company will have to be rebuilt. The costly furniture and fittings were entirely ruined.

The northern half of the block, which was to have been occupied April 1 by A. D. Farwell, clothier, and the Apollo Club, was only slightly damaged by smoke and steam.

The loss ...

Montpelier, the capital of Vermont and of Washington co., is situated on a plain, on the Winooski (or Onion) River, at the mouth of its N. branch, 40 miles ESE. of Burlington, on the Central Vermont and the Montpelier and Wells River Rs. Lat. 44° 17' N. ; Ion. 72° 35' W. It is surrounded by a hilly country which is fertile and highly cultivated. The city has a number of stately edifices, including the handsome state-house, with a dome 124 feet high, a court-house, the Montpelier Seminary, etc. Its industries are represented by several flour-mills, tanneries, manufactories of wood-working machinery, leather, hardware, etc. and marble- and granite-works. This town became the capital of Vermont in 1805. Pop. in 1860, 2411 ; in 1870, 3023; in 1880, 3210; in 1890, 3617; in 1900, 6266.
Lippincott's New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns ... in Every Portion of the Globe Publisher J.B. Lippincott Company, 1906
1927 - November 2-4 - Flooding left up to eight to ten feet of water in downtown Montpelier VT.
Montpelier, Vt., March 3. - Montpelier lost another of its old landmarks Saturday, when the Union House, a hotel at which coach drivers and their patrons stopped while on the way from Montreal to Boston, in state coach days, was destroyed by fire. The damage was $30,000.
Portsmouth Herald
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
March 3, 1930
1935 - Cheery Amelia Earhart Won Vermonters. Famous American Aviatrix Made Happy Landing at Montpelier. GAVE EXPERIENCES ON OCEAN HOPS. While a Thousand People in State House Hung On Her Words.
State House, March 8.

Amelia Earhart Putnam-evangelist of aviation-added to her converts yesterday.

More than a thousand persons, several hundred of them school children, crowded into the Hall of Representatives, blocked the aisles and all but hung from the ornate chandeliers to see and hear the world's premiere aviatrix when she addressed the Vermont general assembly.

They were the converts-that is, all except a handful who admitted rather shamefacedly they wouldn't ride in an airplane under any circumstances.
Barre Daily Times
Barre, Vermont
March 8, 1935

Read more about Amelia Mary EARHART photo of Amelia Mary EARHART
Montpelier, Vermont is a charming town with a lot to offer. Here's a list of places to visit and things to do to make the most of your time there:
Vermont State House:

Start your journey at the heart of Montpelier by exploring the Vermont State House. It's a stunning architectural gem and the only state capitol in the U.S. without a dome.

Hubbard Park:

Take a leisurely stroll or hike through Hubbard Park. The trails offer beautiful views of the town, and in the winter, it transforms into a snowy wonderland.

Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks:

Vermont is known for its maple syrup, and you can't miss the opportunity to visit Morse Farm. Learn about the syrup-making process and indulge in some delicious maple treats.

North Branch Vineyards:

If you appreciate a good glass of wine, head to North Branch Vineyards. They offer wine tastings in a picturesque setting, and it's a great spot to relax.

Lost Nation Theater:

Check the schedule for Lost Nation Theater, a local gem that offers a range of performances from classic plays to contemporary works.

Montpelier Farmers Market:

If you're in town on a Saturday,...

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Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Montpelier, Vermont, USA

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Ancestors Who Were Married in Montpelier, Vermont, USA

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Genealogy Resources for Montpelier

Our Montpelier Gift Ideas

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Vermont Gift Idea - Maple Syrup, Sugar on Snow, Creemee - I Love Vermont! - Ceramic Mug for Genealogists Family History

Embrace the Vermont spirit with our Ceramic Mug, and savor the magic of maple syrup, sugar on snow, and creemees with every sip. Order yours today and bring a touch of Vermont into your daily ritual!

Montpelier, VT Vintage Main Street Postcard Ceramic Mug

Take a step back in time with this ceramic mug, featuring a charming vintage postcard of Main Street, Montpelier, Vermont. Perfect for coffee, tea, or your favorite beverage, this mug showcases a nostalgic glimpse of Vermont’s capital city with its classic architecture and historic charm.

Montpelier, VT Postcard Shower Curtain - Vintage Main Street Charm

Transform your bathroom into a charming retreat with our Vintage Main Street Postcard Shower Curtain, showcasing a picturesque scene of Montpelier, VT. This shower curtain features a stunning image of Main Street captured in a bygone era, exuding nostalgia and classic charm.

Vermont Roots Mug: Skiing, Syrup and Suds - Vermont Genealogy

Celebrate your Vermont heritage with our whimsical ceramic mug! Featuring the caption, "My Ancestors Came From Vermont! That explains a lot about my love for skiing, maple syrup and finding the best craft breweries," this mug is perfect for those who proudly embrace their Green Mountain State roots.

Vermont Roots - Genealogy-Themed Ceramic Coffee Mug Gift Idea

Celebrate your family heritage with our "Vermont Roots" Genealogy Coffee Mug! Whether you’re sipping your morning brew or relaxing with an evening tea, this sturdy ceramic mug is the perfect companion for anyone who proudly traces their lineage back to the Green Mountain State.
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Updated: 1/9/2025 2:13:34 PM