Ancestry Family Group Record for William Ellsworth SMITH
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What is a Family Group Record?
A Family Group Record is a family tree genealogy chart.
"Focusing on the family unit, the family group sheet includes space for a couple and their children, along with fields to record birth, death, marriage and burial places for each." (
Marriage 1: - Husband's
Name: William Ellsworth SMITH
Born: August 8, 1863
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Married / Joined:
Place: Bar Harbor, Maine, USA (Eden) (Salsbury Cove)
Place: Bar Harbor, Maine, USA (Eden) (Salsbury Cove)
His Father: Cornelious H SMITH
Born: January 5, 1825
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Died: January 13, 1900
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
His Mother: Louisa H. BRIGGS
Born: March 2, 1844
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Died: 1894
Wife's Maiden Name: Clarinda Adelia GIFFORD
Born: October 31, 1874
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Her Father: Harrison M. GIFFORD
Born: November 10, 1846
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Died: October 24, 1912
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Her Mother: Sarah Elizabeth CORNELL
Born: November 21, 1844
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Died: November 1, 1907
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Place: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)
Give names in full in order of birth, living or dead.
Give names in full in order of birth, living or dead.
When: Where:
When: Where:
Married / Joined:
When: Where:
When: Where:
When: Where:
When: Where:
Died 1973
Acushnet, Massachusetts, USA
Acushnet, Massachusetts, USA