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flag  History of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Journey back in time to Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

(North) (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)

Visit Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Padanarum Station, New Bedford Yacht Club  New Bedford Yacht Club is located in Dartmouth, Massachusetts and situated on historic Padanaram Harbor,

Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA

Dartmouth was part of a land purchase made by William Bradford and Captain Myles Standish from the Wampanoag Indian chief Massasoit. The land was bought in exchange for cloth, shoes and tools. It was settled by Quakers in the 1650s, incorporated as a town in 1664. Dartmouth was named after Dartmouth, England.

Included in Dartmouth are: Westport Mills, Apponeganset, Bakerville, Bayview, Bliss Corner, Hicksville, Nonquit, Padanaram, Potomska, and Round Hill.

South Dartmouth is a neighborhood in Dartmouth.

There is MUCH more to discover about Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Read on!

Dartmouth Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Padanarum Station, New Bedford Yacht Club

New Bedford Yacht Club is located in Dartmouth, Massach
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Padanarum Station, New Bedford Yacht Club

New Bedford Yacht Club is located in Dartmouth, Massachusetts and situated on historic Padanaram Harbor, immediately adjacent to the lively waters of Buzzards Bay...

Formed in 1877, the Club boasts outstanding waterfront facilities including docks, harbor launch and fuel services, and an elegant Clubhouse rich in maritime tradition...
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Southworth Library, Padanaram, South Dartmouth, Mass.

...In 1878, the pastor of the Congregationa
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Southworth Library, Padanaram, South Dartmouth, Mass.

...In 1878, the pastor of the Congregational Church of South Dartmouth founded a literary and social group for the purpose of opening a library — initially only for residents of Padanaram Village...

The land for what would become the Old Southworth Library was sold to the Library Association for $200 by Captain George O. Baker on March 3, 1888...

...On Christmas Eve in 1888, John Haywood Southworth donated the funds to establish a permanent library and 2,500 books in memory of his father, Deacon John Southworth...

The library was dedicated on Saturday, February 1, 1890...
Read more about John Hayward SOUTHWORTH photo of John Hayward SOUTHWORTH
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Faunce Farm & Dairy
Wholesale & Retail
the Only Certified Milk in City 10 cts. Quart
P.O. Address
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Faunce Farm & Dairy
Wholesale & Retail
the Only Certified Milk in City 10 cts. Quart
P.O. Address So. Dartmouth, Mass.

New Bedford ... directory : of the inhabitants, business firms, institutions, streets, societies (1908) Author: W.A. Greenough & Co Volume: 1908 Publisher: Boston : W.A. Greenough & Co.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - The Bridge, Padanaram, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Bridge, Padanaram, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Padanaram, Mass. from the Salt Works.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Padanaram, Mass. from the Salt Works.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Residence of A. A. Houghton, Salters Point, South Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Residence of A. A. Houghton, Salters Point, South Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Bird's Eye View of Dartmouth
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Bird's Eye View of Dartmouth
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Fire District #2 Russells Mills
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Fire District #2 Russells Mills
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Old Texaco Station
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Old Texaco Station
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA -
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Summer HOme of CCol. E. H. R. Green and His Radio Broadcasting Station W.M.A.F., Round Hills, So. Da
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Summer HOme of CCol. E. H. R. Green and His Radio Broadcasting Station W.M.A.F., Round Hills, So. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Residence of the Late Colonel E. H. R. Green, Round Hills, So. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Residence of the Late Colonel E. H. R. Green, Round Hills, So. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - New Bedford Yacht Club, South Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

New Bedford Yacht Club, South Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Studio of R. Swain Gifford, Nonquitt
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Studio of R. Swain Gifford, Nonquitt
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Sleepy Hollow Cabins, No. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Sleepy Hollow Cabins, No. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Gulf Hill Dairy Ice Cream Parlor and Restaurant
So. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Gulf Hill Dairy Ice Cream Parlor and Restaurant
So. Dartmouth, Mass.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - University Park Apartments
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

University Park Apartments
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Lincoln Park Arcade, North Dartmouth
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Lincoln Park Arcade, North Dartmouth
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Lincoln Park Train, North Dartmouth
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Lincoln Park Train, North Dartmouth

Discover Dartmouth: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1839 - Dartmouth
Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Bristol county. The Aponiganset of the Indians. A sea-port on Buzzard's bay, on the W. side of Accushnet river, 56 miles S. from Boston and 3 W. from New Bedford. Incorporated, 1664. Population, 1837, 3,958. There are 5 vessels belonging to this place engaged in the whaling business, and a number in coasting, and other fisheries. The product of the whale, cod, and mackerel fisheries the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $93,108. The value of wool grown was $2,110. The value of salt manufactured, of vessels built, of leather tanned, and of boots and shoes made, was $27,910.
The New England Gazetteer containing descriptions of all the states, counties and towns in New England: also descriptions of the principal mountains, rivers lakes, capes, bays, harbors, islands and fashionable resorts within that territory. By John Hayward, author of the Columbian Traveller, Religious Creeds, &c. &c. Boston: John Hayward. Boyd & White, Concord, N.H. 1839
1845 - DARTMOUTH. [Pop. 4,155. Inc. 1664.]
Dartmouth once included the great towns of New Bedford, Fairhaven, and Westport, and still its dimensions and population are considerable.

Some of its vesseL are engaged in the whale fishery, but the inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the cod fishery, in farming, and in the manufacture of salt.

Distance from New Bedford, 3 miles; from Taunton, 21; and from Boston, 56
An Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children by William Bentley Fowle and Asa Fitz, 1845
Get it HERE!
1849 - Capt Joseph Weldon, of Dartmouth, Mass, has remitted $3000 in gold from California to his family. With his schooner Favorite, 30 tons, he was earning $1000 a month on the Sacramento.
Boston Evening Transcript
Boston, Massachusetts
October 4, 1849
DARTMOUTH, a township of Bristol co., in the state of Massachusetts, U.S. 65 m. S of Boston, intersected by Aponiganset river, which flows into Buzzard's bay, in the SE of the co. Pop. in 1840, 4,135.
A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Publisher A. Fullarton, 1859
1876 - Earthquake
A distinct shock of earthquake was felt on the 22d at New Bedford, Fairhaven and Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
Arizona Weekly Citizen
Tucson, Arizona
September 30, 1876
1877 - Avid Reader
Publishers of newspapers seldom meet with such conscientious subscribers as one Mrs. Butts, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Although seventy-five years old, she is reported to have recently walked from her home to New Bedford - a distance of fourteen miles - for the sole purpose of paying her subscription to a newspaper of that town.
Delaware County Daily Times
Chester, Pennsylvania
November 27, 1877
Dartmouth Massachusetts, 1890
Dartmouth is a large farming, fishing and manufacturing town in the southern part of Bristol County, bordering on the other section of Buzzard's Bay [sic]. It is bounded on the north by Fall River and Freetown, on the east by New Bedford, on the west by Westport, and south by Buzzard's Bay. The shore line is quite irregular, being broken by Apponaganset Bay, Pamanset River Bay, and others, and projecting far into the sea at Mishaum and Barney's Joy points. The assessed area is 34,848 acres.

The Old Colony Railroad station at New Bedford is near and just opposite the middle of the town, and the Fall River and New Bedford Branch has stations at Hicksville and North Dartmouth. The villages are on Apponaganset Bay at the southeast, on the Pamanset River near the eastern line, in the north part of the town on the main branch of the Westport River, and at Westport Mills, on the same river, where it leaves the town on the western side. The villages by their latest names are Apponegansett, ... Read MORE...

1895 - Dartmouth
Dart'mouth, a post township of Bristol co, Mass., about 2 miles W. of New Bedford, is bounded on the S.E. by Buzzard's Bay. It has several good harbors, and contains a village named South Dartmouth. Dartmouth Post Office is about 60 miles S. of Boston. The township is traversed by the railroad from Fall River to New Bedford. It has 12 churches. Pop, in 1880, 3430; in 1890, 3122.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
1899 - Dartmouth
Dartmouth. - This town was formed from so-called "common land" on June 8, 1664, and included the territory called Acushena, Ponagansett and Coakset. The bounds of the town were defined June 3, 1668. From this territory New Bedford was set off February 23, 1787, Westport July 2, 1787; New Bedford then included what are now Fairhaven and Acushnet. In February a small part of Dartmouth was annexed to Westport, and another tract was likewise set off March 4, 1805. On March 20, 1845, a tract was annexed to New Bedford, and another on May 3, 1888. Dartmouth is bounded on the north by Fall Reiver and Freetown, on the east by New Bedford and Buzzard's Bay, on the south by Buzzard's Bay, and on the west by Westport. It has four post-offices, viz., Dartmouth, North Darthmouth, South Dartmouth, and Nonquitt. There have been post-offices in the past at Aponagansett and Hicksville, but they were closed. The population of the town by the census of 1895 is 3,107; the number of legal voters in that... Read MORE...

1930 - SEVEN INJURED AS BUS HITS AUTO. Latter Vehicle Is Knocked Ten Feet Off Road at Dartmouth, Mass.
(By Associated Press)
New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 11. - Seven persons were injured, two severely when a Union Street Railway bus operating between Providence and New Bedford, struck a sedan on the state road in Dartmouth yesterday. The bus knocked the sedan 10 feet off the road and then struck a telephone pole. The sedan was wrecked and the bus damaged about the front.

Severely injured were two women passengers in the sedan, Mrs. Eliza P. Hawes, 77, Dartmouth, and her daughter, Mrs. Cynthia Hawes Lamb, Los Angeles. The mother suffered several possible fractures, preliminary examination at a hospital disclosed, and the daughter has a possible fractured skull. All the injured, three women and four men, were taken to a hospital here.

Several physicians from this city and surrounding towns were rushed to the scene of the accident.
Portsmouth Herald
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
February 11, 1930
Here's a list of places to go and things to do in Dartmouth:
1. Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust Reserves: Explore the stunning natural beauty of Dartmouth by visiting the DNRT Reserves. Places like Destruction Brook Woods and Slocum's River Reserve offer hiking trails, bird watching, and peaceful walks through the woods.

2. Round Hill Beach: This serene beach is perfect for sunbathing, swimming, or enjoying a leisurely stroll along the shoreline. It's a great spot for a relaxing day by the ocean.

3. Apponagansett Park: This park is a fantastic place for picnics, family gatherings, or just relaxing in a peaceful setting. There's a playground for kids and a pond for kayaking and fishing.

4. Cornell Farm: If you're interested in agriculture and horticulture, Cornell Farm is a must-visit. They have beautiful gardens and offer educational programs and workshops.

5. Demarest Lloyd State Park: This coastal state park offers a beautiful beach, walking trails, and picnicking areas. It's a great place for swimming and taking in the coastal... Read MORE...

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Our Dartmouth Gift Ideas

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Dartmouth, MA Vintage Postcard Ceramic Mug Massachusetts Timeless New England Charm

Sip your favorite beverage in style with this beautifully crafted ceramic mug featuring a vintage postcard of early Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Perfect for history buffs and lovers of classic New England charm, this nostalgic design captures the essence of Dartmouth’s rich past with stunning detail. The early view postcard artwork brings the town’s timeless beauty right to your morning coffee or afternoon tea.

Massachusetts Gift Idea - Made in MASS, Got Wicked Class - Ceramic Mug 15oz

Our 15oz Ceramic Mug is the perfect blend way to show your Massachusetts pride. Whether you're a lifelong Massachusetts resident or just passing through, you'll appreciate the "wicked class" that this mug exudes.

Massachusetts Gift t shirt Made in MASS, Got Wicked Class Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt

Are you looking for a t-shirt that's as comfortable as it is stylish? Look no further! Our Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt is the perfect blend of comfort, quality, and Massachusetts pride. Whether you're a lifelong Massachusetts resident or just passing through, you'll appreciate the "wicked class" that this shirt exudes.

Massachusetts Gifts - Cranberries, Baked Beans and Fluffernutter - I Love Massachusetts! - Ceramic Mug MA

Our Ceramic Mug, Cranberries, Baked Beans, and Fluffernutter - I Love Massachusetts! is more than just a beverage holder; it's a piece of art that celebrates the flavors and traditions of the Bay State. So whether you're sipping your morning coffee, evening tea, or a comforting cup of hot cocoa, you can do it with style and a dash of Massachusetts charm. Plus, it's a fantastic conversation starter. Imagine sharing stories about your favorite Massachusetts memories while enjoying a drink from this delightful mug.

Massachusetts Baby Gift - Bay State Baby: Made in MASS, Loved Worldwide! - Baby Short Sleeve Onesie®

Join the Bay State Baby family and let your baby's style shine with a onesie showing that your baby was made in Mass. and is loved worldwide. Because when it comes to dressing your little bundle of joy, nothing beats the perfect blend of comfort, style, and hometown pride!

Massachusetts Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug - Celebrate Your Bay State Heritage!

Show off your deep-rooted connection to the Bay State with our Massachusetts Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug! Perfect for sipping your favorite brew while tracing family history, this ceramic mug is a tribute to the rich heritage of Massachusetts.

Patriotic Memories: Memorial Day Vintage Postcard Coffee Mug

Remembering the Brave, Honoring the Fallen Celebrate the spirit of Memorial Day with this stunning ceramic coffee mug featuring vintage postcards commemorating the holiday. Perfect for honoring the brave men and women who served, this mug is both a functional keepsake and a nostalgic work of art. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee or enjoying an afternoon tea, this dishwasher-safe and microwave-friendly mug is a timeless way to show your patriotism. Ideal as a gift for veterans, history buffs, or anyone who cherishes American traditions, this mug makes Memorial Day even more meaningful.
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Updated: 2/2/2025 6:11:49 PM