Ancestry Family Group Record for Marie-Josephte PHOCAS
(Choose an individual for more details)
What is a Family Group Record?
A Family Group Record is a family tree genealogy chart.
"Focusing on the family unit, the family group sheet includes space for a couple and their children, along with fields to record birth, death, marriage and burial places for each." (
Marriage 1: - Husband's
Name: Etienne MICHAUD
Born: 17 October 1752
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Married / Joined: 6 June 1774
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Died: 24 January 1841
Place: Saint-André, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (St-Andre)
Place: Saint-André, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (St-Andre)
His Father: Étienne MICHAUD
Born: 22 February 1728
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Died: 15 November 1756
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
His Mother: Marie-Catherine NADEAU
Born: 16 September 1732
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Died: 7 December 1807
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Wife's Maiden Name: Marie-Josephte PHOCAS
Born: 18 May 1748
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Died: 10 July 1796
Place: Saint-André, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (St-Andre)
Place: Saint-André, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (St-Andre)
Her Father: Gabriel RAYMOND dit PHOCAS
Born: 1722
Place: , Québec Province, Canada (Quebec)
Place: , Québec Province, Canada (Quebec)
Died: 10 January 1785
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Her Mother: Marie-Josephe DUBE
Born: 5 March 1725
Place: Rivière-Ouelle, Québec, Canada (Notre-Dame-de-Liesse)
Place: Rivière-Ouelle, Québec, Canada (Notre-Dame-de-Liesse)
Died: 18 August 1812
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Place: Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Give names in full in order of birth, living or dead.
Give names in full in order of birth, living or dead.
When: Where:
When: Where:
Married / Joined:
When: Where:
When: Where:
When: Where:
When: Where:
Born 16 November 1777
Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre)
Died 16 March 1843
Saint-André, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (St-Andre)
Saint-André, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (St-Andre)