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HELP! Ancestor is complete! Grave has been located flag photo of Wilfred Roland TREMBLAY   Wilfred Roland  TREMBLAY

  (b. 14 December 1907 Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA   d. 16 January 1921 Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA )  
Age: 13
Cause of Death: Meningitis

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TREMBLAY Family Tree

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Wilfred Roland TREMBLAY was born 14 December 1907 in Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA

Wilfred Roland TREMBLAY was the child of William TREMBLAY   and   Marie-Josephine-Eglentine CAYA and the grandchild of: (paternal)  Augustin TREMBLAY and Marie-Anastasie BOUCHER (maternal)  Jean Baptiste (John) CAYA and Adelaide BOURDELAIS

Wilfred Roland TREMBLAY died 16 January 1921 in Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA .
Details of the family tree of Wilfred appear below.

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Postcards and Memories of Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

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birth1907 Birth
14 December 1907
Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)
1910 Southbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts pub/ usgenweb/ census/ ma/ worcester/ 1910/ ed1953-pg030a.txt shows the Tremblay family living at 6A Cohassee Street:

TREMBLEY William Head M W 31 Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts . . ENG d?ye maker optical works
TREMBLEY Josephine Wife F W 32 Can/ French Can/ French Can/ French 1879 . ENG none .
TREMBLEY Lucie Daughter F W 10 Massachusetts Massachusetts Can/ French . . ENG none .
TREMBLEY Elzear Son M W 9 Massachusetts Massachusetts Can/ French . . . none .
TREMBLEY Nelida Daughter F W 7 Massachusetts Massachusetts Can/ French . . . none .
TREMBLEY Lionel Son M W 6 Massachusetts Massachusetts Can/ French . . . none .
TREMBLEY Rodolphe Son M W 4 Massachusetts Massachusetts Can/ French . . . none .
TREMBLEY Roland Son M W 2 Massachusetts Massachusetts Can/ French . . . None
1910 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
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1920 Harrington Street, Southbridge, Massachusetts
Tremblay, William, head, age 41, b. MA, parents b. Canada, dye maker at optical company
Tremblay, Josephine E., wife, age 41, b. Canada, year of immigration 1878, naturalized, parents b. Canada
Tremblay, Exena L., daughter, age 19, b. MA, inspecting at optical company
Tremblay, Elzear G., son, age 18, b. MA, machinist at machine shop
Tremblay, Nelida E., daughter, age 17, b. MA, clerical work at optical company
Tremblay, Lionel W., son, age 16, b. MA
Tremblay, Rodolphe A., son, age 14, b. MA
Tremblay, Roland W., son, age 12, b. MA
Tremblay, Eugene G., son, age 9, b. MA
Tremblay, Edgar A., son, age 8, b. MA
Tremblay, Laureine A., daughter, age 6, b. MA
Tremblay, Raymond A., son, age 5, b. MA
Maynard, Albert, father-in-law, age 66, b. Canada, year of immigration 1869, naturalized in 1890, parents b. Canada, painter in carriage shop
1920 Census Ancestry (U.S.)
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Wilfred Roland TREMBLAY - Tremblay family in 1920 (28 Apr 1920) Front (L to R): Edgar, Josephine, Louise (baby), Lorraine, William, Raymond and Eugene Back (L to R): Nelida,
Tremblay family in 1920 (28 Apr 1920)
Front (L to R): Edgar, Josephine, Louise (baby), Lorraine, William, Raymond and Eugene
Back (L to R): Nelida, Lionel, Exena, Rudolph, George (in photo)
Center: Roland
Thanks to Louise Tremblay Meltaus
Wilfred Roland TREMBLAY - This gravestone shows William Tremblay and Josephine Maynard. This stone is located in St. George’s cemetery on Paige Hill in Southbridge. Roland was
This gravestone shows William Tremblay and Josephine Maynard. This stone is located in St. George’s cemetery on Paige Hill in Southbridge. Roland was their son. Louis P. Metras was the husband of their daughter, Lucy Exena (we called her, Aunt Exena). Albert Maynard was the man who adopted Josephine Caya.
Photo taken by us
death1921 Death
16 January 1921
Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

He died at the age of 13.
From Southbridge Herald, Jan 20, 1921

Roland Trembley, aged 13 years, 1 month and 3 days, died Sunday morning at his home on Fairlawn avenue after a week's illness from meningitis. He was born in Southbridge, son of William and Josephine (Menard) Trembley. His father died a year ago. He leave his mother, who is seriously ill, and six brothers and four sisters. The funeral was Tuesday morning from Sacred Heart church at 8 o'clock. Burial was in St. George cemetery in charge of Phillippe Dagenais, undertaker.

Wilfred is buried at: St. George’s Cemetery
Paige Hill
Southbridge, Massachusetts
Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)

Added: 12/16/1999 12:00:00 AM - Updated: 8/9/2019 1:12:47 PM
Did You Know?America - Did you know? The first face on The $1 bill was not George Washington. First issued during the Civil War in 1862, it was the face of Salmon P. Chase, who was Secretary of Treasury at that time and was also the...Read MORE...

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