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Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
1854 - Chattanooga
Chattanooga, a flourishing post-village of Hamilton county, Tennessee, on the Tennessee river, 250 miles by water below Knoxville, and 140 miles S. E. from Nashville. It is the terminus of the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad, and of the Western and Atlantic railroad, which connects it with the chief towns of Georgia. The Tennessee river is navigable by steam during about eight months in the year, and by small boats at all times. These circumstances render Chattanooga one of the most important and flourishing towns of the state. Since the completion of the Western and Atlantic railroad, in 1850, the population has increased at the rate of about 100 per month. The surplus productions of East Tennessee, and of part of Middle Tennessee, are mostly shipped from this point. The surrounding region is liberally supplied with water- power and timber, and the hills contain abundance of stone coal and iron ore. Chattanooga has 1 steam saw mill, 2 sash and blind factories, 3 cabinet factories, in which steam-power is used, 4 newspaper offices, and 1 bank. The manufacture of iron has also been commenced. Laid out in 1889. Population in 1853, estimated at 3600.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
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