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Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
1895 - Chattanooga

Chattanooga, a city of Tennessee and great railroad terminus, the capital of Hamilton co., is pleasantly situated on the left bank of the Tennessee River, 151 miles S.E. of Nashville, 112 miles S.S.W. of Knoxville, and 138 miles N.N.W. of Atlanta. It is connected with the towns of Georgia by the Western & Atlantic Railroad. It is surrounded by high hills and picturesque scenery with fine views of Lookout Mountain and the Cumberlands, several valleys and intervening ridges converging to this point. Steamboats navigate the river above and below this place, which is very favorably situated for trade and manufactures, having mines of coal and iron in its vicinity. Chattanooga has churches of all the leading denominations, several large hotels, which are said to be the best in the Southern states, the Chattanooga Female Institute, the U. S. Grant University, the Chattanooga Medical College, and a system of public schools. The amount of capital invested here in manufactures is now about $10,000,000. It contains 14 banks, 2 cotton-factories, a manufactory of railroad-cars, 7 sash- and blind-factories, 2 steel-works, several machine-shops, 3 rolling-mills, an iron-foundry, 2 large tanneries, 5 steam saw-mills, 2 blast-furnaces, and the workshops of the Alabama Great Southern Railroad. Three daily, 7 weekly, 1 semi-monthly, and 3 monthly newspapers are published here. Among its public buildings are a fine opera-house, a Colored Orphans' Home, the Baroness Erlanger Hospital, grain-elevators, and a marble custom-house. It has also a fine park, which embraces the Chickamauga battle-field, and a national cemetery. Among the products of its manufactories are pumps, soap, leather, railroad-iron, steel, woollen goods, furniture, and carriages. This town was occupied by the Union army September 9, 1863, and was almost entirely destroyed during the civil war. General Grant gained a victory at Missionary Ridge, a few miles from Chattanooga, on November 24, 1863. This is sometimes called the battle of Chattanooga. Incorporated as a city in 1851. Pop. in 1860, 2545; in 1870, 6093; in 1880, 12,892; in 1890, 29,100.

Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott

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Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA