Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
1895 - Newburyport

Newburyport, naber-e-port', a city, port of entry, and one of the capitals of Essex co., Mass., is finely situated £n the S. bank of the Merrimac, 3 miles from the ocean, $ miles N.N.E. of Boston, and about 11 miles E.N.E. of Haverhill. Lat. 42° 48'32" N.; lon. 70°52'47" W. It stands on a gentle declivity, commanding a beautiful prospect. The streets, which extend upward from the river, are short, and terminate at High street, a wide and umbrageous avenue which is lined with residences. The streets are mostly wide, straight, and well shaded, and on High street, hear State, is a small lake surrounded by a terraced promenade. The harbor is spacious, but the entrance of it is obstructed by a sand-bar. The retail trade is mostly transacted on State street, which extends nearly southward and # prolonged (under the name of Newburyport turnpike) to Salem. The city contains a court house, a granite custom house, a city hall, a marine museum, a public library of about 14,000 volumes, 16 churches, a Young Men's Christian Association building, a free hospital, a high school of repute (the Putnam Free School), 4 national banks, 2 savings-banks, 2 large five-story cotton-factories, a fibre-cord-factory, a large saw- and planing-mill, extensive manufactures of machinery, boots and shoes, &c., a comb factory, an iron-foundry, and some ship-building. Two daily and 2 weekly newspapers are published here. Newburyport is connected with Boston, Portland, &c., by the Eastern Railroad, and with Amesbury by a line of horse-cars. It is also a terminus of a branch of the Boston & Maine Railroad. Pop. in 1880, 13,538; in 1890, 13,947.

Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott

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Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA

Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA

Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA