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Laval, Québec, Canada (Saint François-de-Sales-de-l'Ile-Jésus)
1832 - ISLE JESUS,
seigniory, in the co. of Terrebonne, in length 21 m. and 6 at its greatest breadth; it lies N.W. of the island of Montreal, from which it is separated by the Riviere des Prairies, and from the main land by the Riviere St. Jean or Jesus. - Granted, with the Isles aux Vaches adjacent, 23rd Oct. 1689, to the bishop and ecclesiastics of the seminary of Quebec, by whom it is still possessed. The original name was L'Isle de Montmagny; but soon after its grant the proprietors thought proper to bestow on it the appellative it now bears. - In size this island is second to Montreal. The land is every where level, rich and well cultivated: on the S.E> bordering the river, are some excellent pastures and very fine meadows; the other parts produce grain, vegetables and fruits in great perfection and abundance. Almost every corner being turned to agricultural uses, very little wood remains, except what is left for ornament on the different farms. There is one road entirely round the island, and one runs through the middle lengthwise; these are connected by other, that open an easy communication between every part of the island. There are 3 parishes, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Rose and St. Martin. The houses, mostly built of stone, are dispersed by the sides of the roads; now and then are few are place close together, but nowhere in sufficient number to be called a village. Around the island are several corn and saw-mills on the two large rivers; in the interior there is no stream of sufficient force to work either. The saw-mill on the Riviere des Prairies is never stopped for want of water, but sometimes by a superabundance. About midway of the Riviere des Prairies is the strong rapid called the Sault au Recollet. The rafts of timber that are brought down the Ottawa from the upper townships descend this river into the St. Lawrence at the Bout d L'Isle. The communication between Isle Jesus and the island of Montreal and Bizard and the main land is kept up by several ferries in convenient situations for maintaining a continual and sure intercourse. - The farms being all occupied, some persons are desirous of making new settlements but have been deterred by the high rents demanded by the seigniors and by the free and common soccage tenure of the townships.
A Topographical Dictionary of The Province of Lower Canada by Joseph Bouchette, Esq., London, 1832
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