Livermore Falls, Maine, USA (East Livermore)
1886 - East Livermore

East Livermore is the most northerly town in Androscoggin County. The Androscoggin River separates it from Livermore on the west, Jay forms its northern boundary, Fayette lies on the east, and Leeds on the south. It contains about 12,000 acres. Its length from north to south is about three times as great as its width from east to west. Moose Hill at the north-east angle of the town, Jug Hill near the middle of the town, and Ford’s Hill half way between the two former, are the principal elevations of land. Moose Hill Pond near the hill, and a group of small ponds east of Jug Hill are the principal bodies of water. It has one village, situated on the falls at the north-west corner of the town, and bearing the name of Livermore Falls. It is about 27 miles from Lewiston and 17 from Farmington, with which places it is connected by a branch of the Maine Central Railroad. Other stations in town are Strickland’s Ferry and East Livermore.

The town was formerly a part of Livermore, which was granted by the General Court of Massachusetts in 1771 to the heirs and assigns of certain persons for services rendered in the reduction of Port Royal. The portion east of the rivei constituted about one-fourth of the original grant, and was set off and incorporated under its present name in 1843. The first settler is said to have been a Mr. Cooledge, who made an opening in the woods, and built a house on the side of Moose Hill. He soon after sold the place to Philip Smith, who died upon it a few years since at the advanced age of ninety years. The next clearing is said to have been made in the easterly part of the town about 1780, by a Mr. Gravy, and a third made about the same time on the east hank of the Androscoggin River, at what is now Strickland’s Ferry. The first settler at what is now the village of Livermore Falls was probably Mr. Samuel Richardson. The grist and saw mills built at the falls in 1791, were the first in town. They were constructed under the direction of Elijah Livermore, an original proprietor, and one of the first settlers upon the west side of the river. There is here a natural fall of fourteen feet. There are on these falls at present, a grist—mill, three saw-mills, a factory for novelty wood-turning, a leather-board factory, and the Umbagog Paper Fibre Mills. In the village there are also various small manufactures without water-power. The Indian name of the locality is Rokomeko, signifying, it is said, “great corn land.” The town yields good crops and is excellent grazing-land. It has also been noted for its fine cattle.

The town furnished for the war of the Rebellion 68 citizens and 9’ others, a total of 77, at an expense to the town of $10,654. The town has one Baptist church, one Free Baptist, and two Methodist. There is a Small circulating library at Livermore Falls; and lectures are occasionally given at the various churches. The town has seven schoolhouses, valued at $3,000. The valuation of estates in 1870 was $388,680. In 1880 it was $344,092. The population at the first date was 1,004. In 1880 it was 1,082.

A Gazetteer of the State of Maine By Geo. J. Varney Published by B. B. Russell, Boston 1886

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Livermore Falls, Maine, USA (East Livermore)

Livermore Falls, Maine, USA (East Livermore)

Livermore Falls, Maine, USA (East Livermore)

Livermore Falls, Maine, USA (East Livermore)