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1857 - Toilet paper is invented (Joseph Gayetty, United States)
Really a Capital Production!
The celebrity of Gayett's Medicated Paper for the water-closet is rapidly being extended throughout the United States. It is one of the best articles ever put before the public. It obviates the use of chemically-poisoned white paper, and paper stained with pile producing printer's ink. It is as fine and light as bank-note paper, and as tough as stout paper. Nothing of more value and utility was ever before offered to the public. 1000 sheets cost only $1. 500 sheets 50 cents. Each sheet of the genuine contains the name of J. C. Gayetty, water-marked, -- get the wonderful article from any of the druggists, or from the proprietor, No. 41 Ann St., N. Y. It is sent by express from that place to any part of the United States.
The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
Wheeling, West Virginia
November 30, 1858
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