Newport, Rhode Island, USA
1819 - Newport
Newport, an ancient commercial posttown, and semi-metropolis of the State, is situated in the southwest section of Rhode-Island; 30 miles south by east of Providence, and 75 miles southwest from Boston. The township lies in an irregular, and somewhat of a semicircular form, and may be about 6 miles in length upon an average estimation, and more than a mile in breadth, comprising about 8 square miles.
The surface of the town is pleasantly diversified, presenting a succession of beautiful and prospective eminences, and gentle and interesting declivities. Its geological structure, and the prevailing strata of rocks are of the transition character, and consist principally of schistus or slate, interspersed with which there is some granite; limestone also abounds in some sections, and in the calcareous rocks serpentine marble has been found, of a very rich and elegant quality.
The soil is shistic gravelly loam, generally deep and rich, and productive both in grass and grain. It is also very favourable for fruit, and the various objects of horticulture. The original forests were of the deciduous species, but there are none now of much extent. The agricultural interests are considerably flourishing. Among the objects of husbandry, the culture of barley, which has been recently introduced, sustains a conspicuous place. This is a profitable crop, and deserves to be encouraged and extended. Indian corn and hay are cultivated with success; and vegetables and fruit for the Newport market...
A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode-Island: Written with Care and Impartiality, from Original and Authentic Materials : Consisting of Two Parts ... : with an Accurate and Improved Map of Each State Authors John Chauncey Pease, John Milton Niles Publisher W.S. Marsh, 1819
Visit Newport, Rhode Island, USA
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