Pawling, New York, USA
1871 - Circus Riot
The hitherto quiet village of Pawling, New York, has been the recipient of an excitement that had more pain than pleasure. A circus company that was appropriately named O'Brien's menagerie visited the village and announced a performance. Somehow, contrary to all precedent, the amusement did not take. A beggarly account of empty benches rewarded the performer's exertions. Irritated by this neglect the circus employees proceeded to 'clean out the town,' to use a California phrase. They entered dwellings and carried off clothing, food and everything they could lay their hands on. The villagers 'went for' their spoilers, and a general riot was the consequence, which was not quelled till assistance arrived from other towns. The results are stated as follows:
POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., Sept. 16. - Dispatches from Pawling to-day show that no one was killed in the riot there last night, though several persons were seriously injured. Crane's Hotel was cleaned out by the mob, and the baggage car of the up express train, which stood on the track at the station, was robbed. The treasurer of O'Brien's menagerie was around to-day endeavoring to settle the matter. No arrests have yet been made.
Galveston Tri-Weekly News
Galveston, Texas
September 25, 1871
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