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flag  History of Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Journey back in time to Killingly, Connecticut, USA

(Danielson) (Dayville) (East Killingly) (Attawaugan) (Ballouville)

Visit Killingly, Connecticut, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Wildwood Park, Killingly, Conn.  Wildwood Park was a popular summer resort on the east side of Alexanders Lake in the early 1900s. The area was or

Throughout the 17th century, Killingly was populated almost entirely by Native Americans.

Known for its textile mills and cotton producing industries, Killingly was named the curtain capital of the world in the 1930s.

Charles Lewis Tiffany, founder of jewelry store Tiffany & Co., was born in Killingly.

Killingly consists of the borough of Danielson and the villages of Attawaugan, Ballouville, Dayville, East Killingly, Rogers, and South Killingly.

There is MUCH more to discover about Killingly, Connecticut, USA. Read on!

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Postcards and Memories of Killingly, Connecticut, USA

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Killingly Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Wildwood Park, Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Wildwood Park, Killingly, Conn.

"Wildwood Park was a popular summer resort on the east side of Alexander's Lake in the early 1900s. The area was originally owned by the Alexander family who were involved in many of Killingly's mills..."
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Town Meeting, Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Town Meeting, Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Main Street, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Main Street, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Main Street, looking South. Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Main Street, looking South. Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Quinebaug Mills, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Quinebaug Mills, Danielson, Conn.

"Another of Danielson’s old landmarks is about to disappear. The Quinebaug grist mill is being torn down. This three-story frame structure, built like a fortress, has stood right at the confluence of the Quinebaug and Assawaga rivers for two generations.

It was built about 1879-80, and was practically in continuous operation until 1926. Since then it has been idle. The structure is the property of the Wauregan-Quinebaug Mills, Inc.

Before the Quinebaug Mills Company consolidated with the Wauregan plant the grist mill was operated by the Quinebaug Company. After having helped to build it, William H. Williams was in charge of the grist mill until it was closed.

Millions of pounds of grains were processed there through the years. There are many who still recall how carloads of corn, buckwheat and rye were shipped here for grinding, to produce meal and flour. Grinding also was done for individuals who lived in the surrounding... Read MORE...
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Cyr Block, Main Street, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Cyr Block, Main Street, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - St. Albans Episcopal Church, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

St. Albans Episcopal Church, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Alexanders Lake, Wildwood Park, Killingly, Conn., 1905
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Alexanders Lake, Wildwood Park, Killingly, Conn., 1905
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - East Killingly, Conn., 1906
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

East Killingly, Conn., 1906
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - M. H. Marcus & Bro's Mill, E. Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

M. H. Marcus & Bro's Mill, E. Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Davis & Brown Co.'s Mill, E. Killingly, Conn., 1906
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Davis & Brown Co.'s Mill, E. Killingly, Conn., 1906
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Assawaga Mill, Dayville, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Assawaga Mill, Dayville, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Quinebaug River near Quinebaug Mill, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Quinebaug River near Quinebaug Mill, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Main Street Danielson, 1909
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Main Street Danielson, 1909
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Public Library, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Public Library, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Bird's Eye View of Danielson, 1910
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Bird's Eye View of Danielson, 1910
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Central Fire Station, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Central Fire Station, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Quinebaug Mills, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Quinebaug Mills, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Attawaugan Mill, Attawaugan, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Attawaugan Mill, Attawaugan, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Judge Young Mill, East Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Judge Young Mill, East Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - The Chase Mill Pond, East Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

The Chase Mill Pond, East Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Along the Mill Trench, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Along the Mill Trench, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Maple Street, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Maple Street, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Conn. Mills Co., Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Conn. Mills Co., Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - East Killingly, Conn., 1912
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

East Killingly, Conn., 1912
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Wildwood Park Trolley Station, 1912
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Wildwood Park Trolley Station, 1912
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Quinebaug Grist Mill, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Quinebaug Grist Mill, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Danielson Cotton Company, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Danielson Cotton Company, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - New High School, Danielson, 1914
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

New High School, Danielson, 1914
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Soldier's Monument, Davis Park, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Soldier's Monument, Davis Park, Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Mansion House, Wildwood Park
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Mansion House, Wildwood Park

"...The mansion was a fabulous Italianate villa built in 1865. It later became a 40-room hotel to serve the resort and was demolished in 1935..." (
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - The Falls, East Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

The Falls, East Killingly, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Cotton Mill, Ballouville, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Cotton Mill, Ballouville, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Westfield Congregational Church, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Westfield Congregational Church, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Dayville Woolen Mill, Dayville, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Dayville Woolen Mill, Dayville, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Baptist Church, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Baptist Church, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Powdrell and Alexander Mill, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Powdrell and Alexander Mill, Danielson
Killingly, Connecticut, USA - Bryant Electrical Co., Danielson, Conn.
Killingly, Connecticut, USA

Bryant Electrical Co., Danielson, Conn.

Discover Killingly: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1708 - (Killingly, CT) - Settled in 1700 and incorporated in 1708, the town began as several mill villages sited on its abundant waterways, including the Five-Mile and Quinebaug Rivers. towns-page/ killingly/

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1809 - On May 5, 1809, Mrs. Mary Kies of South Killingly was the first woman in the United States to receive a patent.
Her patent was for a new way to braid straw with silk and other threads in the making of women’s bonnets... first-woman-to-receive-us-patent-today-in-history/
May 5, 1809
1819 - Killingly
Killingly, a flourishing agricultural and manufacturing post township, is situated in the eastern section of the State, 45 miles east of Hartford, and 25 west of Providence; bounded on the north by Thompson, on the east by Rhode-Island, on the south by Sterling and Plainfield, and on the west by the Quinibaug river, which separates it from Brooklyn and Pomfret.

The township comprises an area of about 55 square miles, having a mean length from north to south of more than 9 miles, and a mean breadth from east to west of about 6 miles...

A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode-Island: Written with Care and Impartiality, from Original and Authentic Materials : Consisting of Two Parts ... : with an Accurate and Improved Map of Each State
Authors John Chauncey Pease, John Milton Niles
Publisher W.S. Marsh, 1819
1839 - Killingly
Killingly, Connecticut
Windham county. This town lies 45 miles E. from Hartford, 25 W. from Providence, R.I., and 5 N.E. from Brooklyn. First settled in 1700. The first white person known to have been buried here was Mr. Neil Alexander's great-grand-mother. (See Alexander's Lake.) This town is rough and hilly, but there is a great deal of beauty about it, and its history is full of romantic stories relating to the first settlers and the red men. The town is well watered by the Quinnebaugh and its branches. There are three villages, Pleasant Valley, Daysville, and Danielsonville, all pleasant and flourishing manufacturing places. They contain 14 cotton and 3 woolen mills, a furnace, an axe factory, and other mechanical operations. Killingly contains excellent quarries of freestone and of a slate rock resembling granite, soft, and easily wrought; also of a slate rock composed of granular quartz, almost white. A rich bed of porcelain clay is found on Mashentuck hill, said to equal... Read MORE...

1854 - Killingly / Danielsonville
Killingly, a post-township of Windham county, Connecticut, bordering on Rhode Island, and intersected by the railroad connecting Norwich and Worcester, is about 50 miles E. from Hartford. Pop., 4545.

Danielsonville, a manufacturing village in Killingly township, Windham county, Connecticut, on the Quinebaug river, about 40 miles E. by N. from Hartford. It contains 5 cotton factories, 1 woollen mill, 1 batting mill, 1 iron foundry, 16 stores, 1 bank, 2 churches, and 1 academy.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
The Killingly authorities have decided to prosecute every tramp that applies for lodgings at the station house.

The Southbridge Journal
Southbridge, Massachusetts
December 25, 1885
1895 - Killingly / Danielsonville
Kill'ingly, a post-village of Windham co, Conn: in Killingly township, on the Boston, Hartford & Erie Rail road, 28 miles N. by E. of Norwich, and 5 miles S. of Putnam. It has a church. The township is bounded on the W. by the Quinebaug River, and contains a larger village, named Danielsonville. Pop. of the township in 1890, 7037.

Dan'ielsonville, a post-borough of Windham co., Conn, in Killingly township, on the Quinebaug River, and on the Norwich & Worcester Railroad, 26 miles N. by E. of Norwich, and 8 miles S. of Putnam. It has 6 churches, a national bank, a newspaper office, a savings-bank, a graded school, and several cotton-mills, which make prints and sheetings, Pop. about 4000.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
1896 - Burglary
Two burglars broke into the post office at Danielson, Ct., Friday night, blew open the safe with dynamite and secured the contents. They were pursued unsuccessfully by the night watchman. Several shots were fired without effect.

Searching For Your Ancestors in Historic Newspapers
Springfield Republican
Springfield, Massachusetts
February 02, 1896
NEW LONDON, Conn., June 28. - A grocer in Danielson, Conn., has been arrested and fined $3 for selling adulterated molasses. The fine and costs amounted to about $30. The grocers are protesting stoutly against the adulterated food law. They say they hardly can afford to pay a chemist $2 for testing each cask of molasses they buy, but this seems the only thing to do.
The New York Times
New York, New York
June 29, 1897

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1900 - $50,000 Fire In Connecticut.
DANIELSON, Conn., Sept. 5.--A fire started in a barn in the rear of The Observer office, Railroad Square, Dayville, to-day, and destroyed The Observer building , the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company's freight house, four tenement dwellings, besides considerably damaging the Dayville Hotel and other buildings. The total loss is more than $50,000.
The New York Times
New York, New York
September 6, 1900
1901 - TROLLEY DEAL IN CONNECTICUT: New Haven Road Purchases the Webster and Worcester System.
NEW HAVEN, Jan. 12 - The New Haven Road has just purchased through the People's Tramway Company of Danielson, Conn., the Webster and Worcester Street Railway Company.

The purchase gives to the People's Tramway Company control of the trolley lines from Danielson, Conn., to Worcester, a distance of forty miles. The company recently acquired the Putnam and Thompson Street Railway Company, and later took over the Webster and Dudley system, the latest purchase of the Webster and Worcester completing the circuit. The New Haven Road will extend the People's Tramway line in time to Norwich, thus connecting with the steam road along the Thames to New London and forming a continuous line from Norwich to Boston, a distance of 120 miles.

The People's Tramway system will run express trains, freight, mail, baggage, and passenger coaches over the newly acquired line. The express trains will make stops only at Putnam and Webster in the through run from Danielson to Worcester, and will run at ... Read MORE...

1902 - April 5 - MORE WEAVERS GO OUT. 125 Danielson Operatives Strike in Sympathy with Olneyville Brethren.
Danielson, Conn., April 5. - All the weaves in the Moosup mill of the American Woolen Company - 125 in number - went out on strike at 8:30 this morning. This action is taken in sympathy with the Olneyville, R.I., strike.

Last evening, at a meeting of the weavers, it was decided definitely to quit work this morning, a demand made of the management early in the week not having been complied with. The demand was for an assurance that the two loom system which led to the Olneyville strike shall not be put in force in the Moosup mill.

All departments of the mill except the weaving continued running to-day.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Brooklyn, New York
April 5, 1902
1904 - Hot From The Wires
By Associated Press.
Washington, D.C. - The Windham County National Bank, of Danielsonville, Danielson, Conn., which closed its doors on December 22, to-day was authorized by the Comptroller of the Currency to resume business.
Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
January 15, 1904
1916 - Killingly / Danielson
Killingly, a post-village of Windham co., Conn., in Killingly township (town), 28 miles N. by E. of Norwich. The town is bounded on the W. by the Quinebaug River and contains a larger village, named Danielsonboro. Pop. of the town in 1900, 6835.

Danielson, a banking post-borough of Windham co., Conn., on the Quinebaug River and on the New York, New Haven and Hartford R., 25 miles NE. of Norwich. It has manufactures of woollen-, cotton- and dress-goods, cutlery, shoes, hosiery, etc. Pop. in 1900, 2823.
Lippincotts New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns, Resorts, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Seas, Lakes, Etc., in Every Portion of the Globe, Part 1 Angelo Heilprin Louis Heilprin - January 1, 1916 J.B. Lippincott - Publisher
2023 - Located in the northeastern part of the state, Killingly offers a blend of history, outdoor recreation, and cultural attractions. Whether you're a local looking for something new or a visitor passing through, there's something for everyone:
1. Killingly Pond State Park:
If you're a nature lover, Killingly Pond State Park is a must-visit. This picturesque park features a beautiful pond surrounded by dense forests, making it an ideal spot for picnicking, hiking, and fishing. You can also launch a kayak or canoe and explore the pond's serene waters. The park offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

2. Old Furnace State Park:
Another great outdoor destination in Killingly is Old Furnace State Park. This historic site was once home to a blast furnace that operated in the 19th century. Today, it's a peaceful park with hiking trails that wind through the woods, showcasing the area's natural beauty and historical remnants. It's an excellent place for a hike or a relaxing stroll.

3. Davis Park:
For a family-friendly day out, head to Davis Park. This well-maintained park offers a playground, basketball courts, and picnic areas. It's a perfect spot for a weekend picnic or a game of basketball with ... Read MORE...

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Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Killingly, Connecticut, USA

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Genealogy Resources for Killingly

Our Killingly Gift Ideas

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Connecticut Gift Idea - Apizza, Burger on Toast, White Clam Pizza - I Love Connecticut! - CT Mug for Genealogists Family History

Featuring iconic local delicacies, the design of this mug captures the essence of Connecticut's food culture. It pays homage to the Apizza, a unique and mouthwatering pizza style that originated in New Haven. The legendary Louis' Lunch Burger, said to be the birthplace of the hamburger, is also prominently featured. And of course, there's a nod to the classic White Clam Pizza, a coastal favorite that's a must-try for seafood enthusiasts.

Savin Rock, Connecticut Memories Vintage Postcard Ceramic Mug

Introducing the Memories of Savin Rock ceramic postcard mug, a charming tribute to the iconic amusement park in Connecticut! This 11-ounce ceramic coffee mug is a delightful blend of nostalgia and functionality. Featuring a vintage-inspired design, the mug showcases iconic images and landmarks from Savin Rock amusement park, evoking fond memories of days gone by.

My Connecticut Roots Mug: Bed-and-Breakfast Enthusiast Edition

Start your day with a sip of history and charm from our Connecticut-inspired ceramic mug, proudly proclaiming: "My ancestors came from Connecticut, that explains a lot about my love for charming bed-and-breakfasts and discussing the nuances of colonial architecture." This delightful mug is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life, like cozy mornings at quaint inns and lively conversations about the elegance of colonial design.
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Updated: 9/26/2023 9:46:39 PM