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flag  History of Chambly, Québec, Canada

Journey back in time to Chambly, Québec, Canada


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Chambly, Québec, Canada - Chambly, Québec, Canada - Église de Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly, est. 1665 164, rue Martel, Chambly, QUÉBEC Source: Google maps

Chambly: Located on the Richelieu River, Chambly is famous for its historic fort and the Chambly Canal, a popular spot for boating and cycling.

Chambly is a town located in the province of Quebec, Canada. It is situated on the Richelieu River, approximately 25 kilometers (about 16 miles) southeast of Montreal. Chambly is part of the Montérégie region, which is known for its historical significance and beautiful landscapes.

Historically, Chambly has played a vital role in the region's development. One of its most prominent landmarks is the Chambly Canal, a National Historic Site of Canada. The canal was built in the early 19th century and served as a crucial waterway for transporting goods and connecting the Saint Lawrence River to Lake Champlain. Today, the Chambly Canal is a popular spot for recreational activities such as boating, kayaking, and cycling along its scenic shores.

The town's historic downtown area preserves its heritage charm, with various buildings and houses dating back to the 19th century.

There is MUCH more to discover about Chambly, Québec, Canada. Read on!

Chambly Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Chambly, Québec, Canada - Église de Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly, est. 1665
164, rue Martel, Chambly, QUÉBEC
Source: Google maps
Chambly, Québec, Canada

Église de Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly, est. 1665
164, rue Martel, Chambly, QUÉBEC
Source: Google maps
Chambly, Québec, Canada -
Chambly, Québec, Canada

Chambly, Québec, Canada - Fort Chambly
Chambly, Québec, Canada

Fort Chambly
Chambly, Québec, Canada - 1891 Electoral District of Chambly & Vercheres, Quebec
Chambly, Québec, Canada

1891 Electoral District of Chambly & Vercheres, Quebec
Chambly, Québec, Canada - Hotel Albion, Chambly, Quebec
Chambly, Québec, Canada

Hotel Albion, Chambly, Quebec
Chambly, Québec, Canada - Fort Chambly National Park
Chambly, Québec, Canada

Fort Chambly National Park

Discover Chambly: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1665 - Église de Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly established at Chambly
1665 - Fort Saint Louis
Fort Saint Louis aka Fort Chambly is built on the Richelieu River (near Chambly, Quebec). It was replaced by a stone fort in 1709...
The soldiers, 350 in all, are ordered to build a fort at Lake Champlain to cut the route of the Iroquois. They, however, have no carpenters or skilled trades people to assist them. The were given very few tools. Many of the men are sickly, barefoot and without proper clothing and have too few cooking pots.

Fort Saint Louis, later renamed Fort Chambly, is built by the Carignan Salieres Regiment on the Richelieu River near Chambly, Quebec, in burned down in 1702. public/dgarneau/french19.htm
1672 - Seigniory (Chambly) granted to M. de Chambly, October 29, 1672

1718 - Fort Chambly
Fort Chambly, Quebec is built of stone 1718-1720. public/ dgarneau/ french28.htm
1775 - October 18 - American Revolutionary War - Richard Montgomery and the Army of the Continental Congress capture Fort Chambly en route to Québec

Wikipedia - Timeline of Montreal History
1813 - March 15, 1813 - War of 1812
Lt. John LeCouteur and 550 soldiers of the 104th Regiment are the first to reach Quebec after a 24 day snowshoe march from Fredericton, to strengthen the defences of Upper Canada against an expected American invasion in the Spring; after two weeks in garrison at Quebec, they are ordered to leave for Chambly, then Kingston, reaching their destination April 12, having covered a total distance of 1125km. todayincanadianhistory/ index.php/ March_15
in the cos. of Rouville and Chambly, divided from each other by the R. Richelieu. - The extent of each seigniory is 3 leagues in length by one league in depth; and both were included in one grant to M. de Chambly, Oct. 29 1672...

Chambly Village, built on one of the most beautiful spots in Lower Canada, is in West Chambly and on the bank of the Richelieu, not far from the fort: it contains 90 or 100 houses, chiefly built of wood, forming one principal street; many of the houses are elegantly built and shaded by lofty poplars. At the S. end of the village are some large and valuable mills close to the rapid of Chambly, and near the mills stands a good manor-house. This place is a great thoroughfare, as the main road from Montreal to the American states passes through it, which, with the continual resort to the mills, occasions a good deal of activity among the traders and mechanics, and contributes very much to its cheerfulness as a place of residence; among the inhabitants are... Read MORE...

1832 - Cholera Wipes Out Large Family
A letter from a lady at Chambly to a friend in Rutland, states that in Montreal a whole family, consisting of eighteen persons, were all sent into eternity, by the cholera, in the course of forty eight hours.
Brattleboro Messenger
Brattleboro, Vermont
July 14, 1832
1843 - The Chambly Canal is completed

The Canadian Encyclopedia
CHAMBLY, a county of Lower Canada, in the district of Montreal; bounded on the NW by the river St. Lawrence; on the NE by the co. of Vercheres; and on the SE by the Chambly river. It is 33 m. in length and averages 9 m. in breadth. Area 211 sq miles. Pop. in 1831, 15,483.
A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Publisher A. Fullarton, 1859
1867 - Chambly
CHAMBLY. An incorporated town of about 760 inhabitants, situated on the western bank of the Richelieu;, in the parish of St. Joseph of Chambly, distant from Montreal 18 miles, from St. Johns 12 miles, and from Sorel, 46 miles. The town was incorporated in the year 1846; it has two post offices, one in the upper and lower village ; there are two mails a day in and out, from and to Montreal, and intermediate post offices, and one in and out from St. Johns. In the town are three churches, viz., one Episcopal, one Roman Catholic, and one Methodist; there area convent, one English academy, male and female, and three French schools.
The Eastern Townships Gazetteer and General Business Directory: A Commercial Directory and Guide to the Eastern Townships of Canada, Containing Also Much Useful Information of a Miscellaneous Character ... January 1, 1867 Smith & Company
The nearest station of the Grand Trunk is within nine miles, and the city of Montreal but 16 miles distant, the two places being connected by a macadamized road, over a perfectly level country. A continuation of this village, known as Chambly Canton, is beautifully situated on the Richelieu Rapids. The entire village contains a population of about 1400 souls, and is surrounded by the oldest and most thickly peopled sections of Canada.

"There are now in existence at this place extensive saw, grist, carding and woolen mills, with a large foundry. Here is also a large hospital belonging to the Ladies of the Grey Nunnery in Montreal, well adapted for the reception of the poor and rich, and a college with an extensive library. Telegraph and Post Offices also exist. The extensive ruins of an ancient French fort in the village connect it with the past, while Rougemont, Beloeil, Rouville and other conically shaped mountains, rising at different points in the surrounding level country, like ... Read MORE...

CHAMBLY, a county of the province of Quebec, bounded on the west by the St. Lawrence, and on the southeast by the Richelieu River, has an area of 101,529 acres. The chief products are oats, hay, flax, wool and tobacco. Capital, Longueuil. Pop. 10,498.
Lovell's gazetteer of British North America; J. Lovell; Montreal, 1873
1884 - Build a Canal?
A proposition has been laid before the Government by members of the County of Chambly to build a canal, a distance of eleven miles only, from Longueuil to Chambly, to meet the St. Lawrence with the Richelieu River, by which means the water route to New York from this point would be shortened by eighty miles. The country situated between the two points mentioned is a dead level.
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago, Illinois
September 6, 1884
1885 - Canadian Towns
The State Board of Health of Maine announces, that besides Montreal and its suburbs, the following named places in the Province of Quebec are affected with small-pox; Batiscan, Oct. 22, 7 families; Bersenels, below Tadousac, Nov 6, 4 families; Cap St. Ignace, Oct. 29, 50 cases, Chambly, Oct 27, 2 cases; Grondines, Oct. 18, several deaths; Lachine, Nov. 4, another new case, Laprairie, Oct. 22, 1 child died and 3 sick, L'Islet, Oct. 29, 6 cases; Longueuil, Nov. 3, 7 cases, have been 20 in all, Lorette, Oct 28, six cases; Maissonneuve, Oct. 31; Mascouche, Oct 31; Montmagny, Oct 29, one case; Ottawa, Nov. 6, several cases; Pointe aux Trembles, Port Neuf, Oct. 29, six cases, Rivier du Loup, Oct 23 ten cases, Rimouski, Oct, 21, 8 cases, St Francis, Temisconata Co, Nov 7, 7 cases, St Joseph de Levis, Oct 31, St. Lambert, Nov 3, 1 case, St. I in, Nov. 5; St. Martin, Oct 27 2 houses, St. Michel, Oct. 27, 4 deaths recently, St. Paschal, Oct 23 3 cases; St. Remi, Oct 27, 2 houses, St Roch, Nov.... Read MORE...

1889 - Explosion
An explosion occurred yesterday in the packing room of the Beloeil Powder Works at Chambly, Quebec, killing two men, named Joseph Favreault and Samuel Bettie.
New York Herald
New York, New York
August 31, 1889
1895 - Chambly
CHAMBLY, a county of the Province of Quebec, bounded on the west by the St. Lawrence, and on the south-east by the Richelieu River, has an area of 87,319 acres. The chief products are oats, hay, flax, wool and tobacco. It is traversed by the South Eastern Ry. Capital, Longueuil. Pop. in 1871, 10,498; in 1891 11,704.
Crossby, Peter Alfred. Lovell's gazetteer of British North America. (John Lovell & Son)., 1895
1895 - Chambly
Chambly, (Fr. pron. shöM'blee'), a county of the province of Quebec, bounded on the W. by the St. Lawrence, and on the southeast by the Richelieu River. Area, 157 square miles. The chief products are oats, hay, flax, wool, and tobacco. Capital, Longueuil. Pop. 10,498.

Chambly Basin, a post-village in Chambly co., Que: bec, on the Richelieu River, and on the Montreal, Chambly & Sorel Railway, 1 mile from Chambly Canton, and 15 miles S.E. of Montreal. It has extensive water-power, a large hospital, a college, and a number of stores. Pop. 778.

Chambly Canton, a post-village in Chambly co, Quebec, on the W. side of the Richelieu River (which here expands into a beautiful lake), between the rapids and the E. side of St. John's Canal, 16 miles S.E. of Montreal. It contains saw-, grist-, paper-, carding-, and woollen-mills, and possesses fine water-power. Pop. 600.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
1898 - Danger of a Flood
Montreal, Jan. 13. - A report from Chambly, Que., says there is danger of a serious flood there. The Richelieu river, which has for the first time in the memory of the oldest residents frozen completely over this year, has risen 2 feet within the past few days. The two bridges are in danger, and if a south wind should come up nothing can save them.
The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
January 13, 1898

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Chambly, Qué, City, pop 22 608 (2006c), 20 342 (2001c), inc 1965. Chambly is situated within the South Shore suburb area 25 km southeast of MONTRÉAL and is the centre of the rural Montérégie Region. The community fans out around Bassin de Chambly, a widening in the RIVIÈRE RICHELIEU. FORT CHAMBLY was erected nearby in 1665 as one of several outposts defending the French colony against IROQUOIS, and later American, raids. It was named for Jacques de Chambly, an army captain who held the first seigneury here. Millet flour and textile mills dominated the Chambly economy from 1806 to 1911. The Chambly Canal, completed in 1843, was a key shipping link to the US-Lac CHAMPLAIN region until 1901.

Today a diverse manufacturing sector is the centre of Chambly's economy. Its longstanding shoe, clothing and food processing industries are now rivalled by a large range of metal fabricators and growing pharmaceutical and electronic outputs. In 1993 an industrial wastes treatment plant in Chambly... Read MORE...

Here's a list of places to go and things to do in Chambly:
Fort Chambly National Historic Site: Start your journey with a visit to Fort Chambly. This well-preserved fort dates back to the 18th century and provides a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Explore the fort's stone walls, drawbridge, and the museum inside to learn about its role in the French and British colonial conflicts.

Chambly Canal National Historic Site: Right next to Fort Chambly is the Chambly Canal, a serene waterway that connects the Richelieu River to Lake Champlain. Stroll along the canal's picturesque paths, watch boats pass through the locks, and enjoy a picnic by the water. It's a great place for a leisurely walk or bike ride.

Parc des Rapides: This park along the Richelieu River offers beautiful views and a chance to relax by the water. It's an ideal spot for a family picnic or a peaceful afternoon of birdwatching.

Le Fourquet Fourchette: Treat yourself to a delicious meal at this renowned Chambly restaurant. It's famous for its hearty Quebecois ... Read MORE...

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Our Chambly Gift Ideas

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Poutine, Tourtière and Tarte au Sucre - I Love Québec! - Ceramic Mug

Savor the flavors of Québec with every sip from our vibrant Ceramic Mug! Crafted with love, this mug is a tribute to the iconic culinary delights of Québec, featuring mouthwatering illustrations of Poutine, Tourtière, and Tarte au Sucre. If you're passionate about Québecois cuisine or simply want to show your love for this beautiful province, this mug is the perfect choice.

Joyeuses fêtes de Noël à vous et vos proches! - Ceramic Mug

Introducing our festive holiday coffee mug, the perfect companion for cozy moments and heartwarming celebrations. Say "Joyeuses fêtes de Noël à vous et vos proches!" (Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones) with every sip, as you embrace the spirit of the season.

CANADA - Canadian Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug - Curling and Olympics

"My ancestors came from Canada. That explains a lot about my love for curling and watching the Olympics!"

Québec Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug Gift Idea - Celebrate Your Heritage in Style

Raise your morning cup to your rich Québecois heritage with this charming Québec Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug! Perfect for proud descendants of Québec, this ceramic mug features the bold phrase "Québec Roots" – a nod to the generations that have shaped your family’s history.
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Updated: 2/6/2025 10:31:44 AM