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History of Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA
Journey back in time to Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA
(Attleborough) (South Attleboro)
Visit Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.Do You Have Attleboro Roots? Share MY Ancestral Story!

Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Attleboro was once known as "The Jewelry Capital of the World".
Included in Attleborough are: Sibleyville, Bearcroft, Deantown, Dodgeville, Hebronville, and Lonicut.
There is MUCH more to discover about Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA. Read on!
Discover Attleboro: History, News, Travel, and Stories

1839 - Attleborough
Attleborough, Massachusetts
This town lies at the N.W. corner of the county of Bristol; 12 miles N. from Providence, R.I., 8 N.W. from Taunton, and 28 S. from Boston. A branch of the Pawtucket rises here, and several other rivers pass through the town. It possesses a fine water power. It was first settled, 1644, and incorporated in 1694. Population, 1837, 2,396. The value of the manufactures at this place, for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to about $500,000. That of cotton goods alone to $229,571. The other manufactures consisted of boots, shoes, leather, metal buttons, combs, jewelery, clocks, planing machines, carpenter's tools, straw bonnets, chairs and cabinet ware. This town suffered much during the reign of the celebrated Indian King Philip. In 1675 Attleborough was a frontier settlement.
The New England Gazetteer containing descriptions of all the states, counties and towns in New England: also descriptions of the principal mountains, rivers lakes, capes, bays, harbors, islands and fashionable resorts within that territory. By John Hayward, author of the Columbian Traveller, Religious Creeds, &c. &c. Boston: John Hayward. Boyd & White, Concord, N.H. 1839
Attleborough, Massachusetts
This town lies at the N.W. corner of the county of Bristol; 12 miles N. from Providence, R.I., 8 N.W. from Taunton, and 28 S. from Boston. A branch of the Pawtucket rises here, and several other rivers pass through the town. It possesses a fine water power. It was first settled, 1644, and incorporated in 1694. Population, 1837, 2,396. The value of the manufactures at this place, for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to about $500,000. That of cotton goods alone to $229,571. The other manufactures consisted of boots, shoes, leather, metal buttons, combs, jewelery, clocks, planing machines, carpenter's tools, straw bonnets, chairs and cabinet ware. This town suffered much during the reign of the celebrated Indian King Philip. In 1675 Attleborough was a frontier settlement.
The New England Gazetteer containing descriptions of all the states, counties and towns in New England: also descriptions of the principal mountains, rivers lakes, capes, bays, harbors, islands and fashionable resorts within that territory. By John Hayward, author of the Columbian Traveller, Religious Creeds, &c. &c. Boston: John Hayward. Boyd & White, Concord, N.H. 1839
1845 - ATTLEBOROUGH. [Pop. 3,585. Settled 1694.]
Attleborough, once a part of the ancient town of Rehoboth, is watered by a considerable branch of Blackstone River, and by other small streams, which are used for manufacturing purposes.
Being a frontier town, Attleborough suffered much during the war with King Philip, of Mount Hope. The colonists kept a strong garrison here.
The principal manufactut es are cotton cloth, metal buttons, jewelry, boots and shoes.
Distance from Taunton, 11 miles ; from Boston, 21.
An Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children by William Bentley Fowle and Asa Fitz, 1845
Get it HERE!
Attleborough, once a part of the ancient town of Rehoboth, is watered by a considerable branch of Blackstone River, and by other small streams, which are used for manufacturing purposes.
Being a frontier town, Attleborough suffered much during the war with King Philip, of Mount Hope. The colonists kept a strong garrison here.
The principal manufactut es are cotton cloth, metal buttons, jewelry, boots and shoes.
Distance from Taunton, 11 miles ; from Boston, 21.
An Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children by William Bentley Fowle and Asa Fitz, 1845
Get it HERE!
1854 - Attleborough
Attleborough, a post-township of Bristol co. Massachusetts, on the Boston and Providence railroad, 31 miles S. S. E. from Boston, and 11 miles N. N. E. from Providence. It is intersected by Mill river, which affords fine water privileges. The manufacture of cotton goods and other articles of utility is extensively carried on. From this place a branch railroad, 4 miles long, extends to the Providence and Worcester railroad, at Valley Falls. It contains a bank. Pop. 4200.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
Attleborough, a post-township of Bristol co. Massachusetts, on the Boston and Providence railroad, 31 miles S. S. E. from Boston, and 11 miles N. N. E. from Providence. It is intersected by Mill river, which affords fine water privileges. The manufacture of cotton goods and other articles of utility is extensively carried on. From this place a branch railroad, 4 miles long, extends to the Providence and Worcester railroad, at Valley Falls. It contains a bank. Pop. 4200.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
ATTLEBOROUGH, a post-town of Massachusetts, U. S., in Bristol co., 30 m. S of Boston. It is watered by some of the affluents of the Pawtucket river. Pop. in 1840, 3,585. Iron-stone is found in the vicinity.
A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Publisher A. Fullarton, 1859
ATTLEBOROUGH, a post-town of Massachusetts, U. S., in Bristol co., 30 m. S of Boston. It is watered by some of the affluents of the Pawtucket river. Pop. in 1840, 3,585. Iron-stone is found in the vicinity.
A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Publisher A. Fullarton, 1859
1871 - Poisoned by Water
A lady recently died in Attleboro, Mass., of poison taken, it is asserted, in small quantities by drinking water from a galvanized iron pipe.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
July 8, 1871
A lady recently died in Attleboro, Mass., of poison taken, it is asserted, in small quantities by drinking water from a galvanized iron pipe.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
July 8, 1871
Attleborough Massachusetts, 1890
Attleborough is a town of many villages, devoted to a great variety of manufactures. It is situated in the northwestern part of Bristol County, having North Attleborough on the north, Norton on the east, Rehoboth and Seekonk on the south, and the town of Cumberland, in Rhode Island, on the west. Its assessed area is 14,809 acres, of which about one-third is woodland, consisting of oak, maple, chestnut and elm. The population by the last census (1885) of the undivided town was 13,175. The returns of the assessors, in 1888, give the present town of Attleborough 1,858 assessed polls, and 1,190 assessed dwelling-houses ; and, to the new town, North Attleborough 1,691 assessed polls, and 1,111 assessed dwelling-houses. The census returns in 1885 gave the towns (undivided) 2,469 dwellings. The post-offices are Attleborough, South Attleborough, Hebronville, Dodgeville and Brigg's Corner. Attleborough, Hebronville and Dodgeville are stations on the Old Colony Railroad system, the first being... Read MORE...
Attleborough is a town of many villages, devoted to a great variety of manufactures. It is situated in the northwestern part of Bristol County, having North Attleborough on the north, Norton on the east, Rehoboth and Seekonk on the south, and the town of Cumberland, in Rhode Island, on the west. Its assessed area is 14,809 acres, of which about one-third is woodland, consisting of oak, maple, chestnut and elm. The population by the last census (1885) of the undivided town was 13,175. The returns of the assessors, in 1888, give the present town of Attleborough 1,858 assessed polls, and 1,190 assessed dwelling-houses ; and, to the new town, North Attleborough 1,691 assessed polls, and 1,111 assessed dwelling-houses. The census returns in 1885 gave the towns (undivided) 2,469 dwellings. The post-offices are Attleborough, South Attleborough, Hebronville, Dodgeville and Brigg's Corner. Attleborough, Hebronville and Dodgeville are stations on the Old Colony Railroad system, the first being... Read MORE...
1895 - Attleborough
Attleborough, attel-bür'rüh, a post-village of Bristol co., Mass., in Attleborough township, on the Boston & Providence Railroad, and on a branch of the New Bedford Railroad, 31 miles S. by W. from Boston. It has a national bank, a newspaper office, and about 5 churches. Pop. in 1880, including North Attleborough, 11,111; in 1890, exclusive of North Attleborough, 7577.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
Attleborough, attel-bür'rüh, a post-village of Bristol co., Mass., in Attleborough township, on the Boston & Providence Railroad, and on a branch of the New Bedford Railroad, 31 miles S. by W. from Boston. It has a national bank, a newspaper office, and about 5 churches. Pop. in 1880, including North Attleborough, 11,111; in 1890, exclusive of North Attleborough, 7577.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
1895 - Yardmaster Killed
PROVIDENCE, Sept. 20. - JOSEPH DICKENS, yardmaster of the Consolidated railroad at Attleboro, Mass., was struck by a freight train yesterday afternoon, and died shortly afterward.
North Adams Transcript
North Adams, Massachusetts
September 20, 1895
PROVIDENCE, Sept. 20. - JOSEPH DICKENS, yardmaster of the Consolidated railroad at Attleboro, Mass., was struck by a freight train yesterday afternoon, and died shortly afterward.
North Adams Transcript
North Adams, Massachusetts
September 20, 1895
1899 - Attleborough
Attleborough. - This was the sixth town formed in Bristol county, the date being October 18, 1694, when it was taken from Rehoboth as the North Purchase. On September 10, 1697, the bounds between Attleborough and Rehoboth were established. February 18, 1830, the bounds between Attleborough and Wrentham were fixed and a part annexed to Wrentham. On June 14, 1887, the town was divided and North Attleborough erected. The town is in the Twelfth Congressional District, and with North Attlborough, Norton, Rehoboth and Seekonk, forms the First Representative District, with 4,663 legal voters, entitling the district to two representatives. It is the northwest corner town in Bristol county, and by the State census of 1895 contains a population of 8,288, with 1,511 registered voters in 1897. The Providence division of the Old Colony Railroad crosses the town, and the Attleborough branch road extends from Attleborough village to Taunton. There are four post-offices in the town, namely ,... Read MORE...
Attleborough. - This was the sixth town formed in Bristol county, the date being October 18, 1694, when it was taken from Rehoboth as the North Purchase. On September 10, 1697, the bounds between Attleborough and Rehoboth were established. February 18, 1830, the bounds between Attleborough and Wrentham were fixed and a part annexed to Wrentham. On June 14, 1887, the town was divided and North Attleborough erected. The town is in the Twelfth Congressional District, and with North Attlborough, Norton, Rehoboth and Seekonk, forms the First Representative District, with 4,663 legal voters, entitling the district to two representatives. It is the northwest corner town in Bristol county, and by the State census of 1895 contains a population of 8,288, with 1,511 registered voters in 1897. The Providence division of the Old Colony Railroad crosses the town, and the Attleborough branch road extends from Attleborough village to Taunton. There are four post-offices in the town, namely ,... Read MORE...
1914 - Attleboro is incorporated as a city
Massachusetts City and Town Incorporation and Settlement Dates
Massachusetts City and Town Incorporation and Settlement Dates
Attleboro, at'tel-bur'ruh, a banking post-village and township (town) of Bristol co., Mass., on the New York, New Haven and Hartford R., 81 miles S. by W. of Boston. It has refining- and smelting-works, manufactures of chains, jewelry, silver-ware, etc. Pop. of the town in 1900, 11,335.
Lippincotts New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns, Resorts, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Seas, Lakes, Etc., in Every Portion of the Globe, Part 1 Angelo Heilprin Louis Heilprin - January 1, 1916 J.B. Lippincott - Publisher
Attleboro, at'tel-bur'ruh, a banking post-village and township (town) of Bristol co., Mass., on the New York, New Haven and Hartford R., 81 miles S. by W. of Boston. It has refining- and smelting-works, manufactures of chains, jewelry, silver-ware, etc. Pop. of the town in 1900, 11,335.
Lippincotts New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns, Resorts, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Seas, Lakes, Etc., in Every Portion of the Globe, Part 1 Angelo Heilprin Louis Heilprin - January 1, 1916 J.B. Lippincott - Publisher
Attleboro, Mass. (AP) - An explosion heard for miles leveled a chemical plant building Sunday night, inflicting death and injury on a Sunday shift.
Further blasts were feared as fire swept a warehouse.
Two persons were known dead and at least 10 injured.
The dead were identified as WILLIAM CANIGLIA, 35, North Providence, R. I., and NORMAN ST. PIERRE, 29.
The blast at the THOMPSON Chemical Co. plant was heard in Boston, about 40 miles north of Attleboro.
A lesser explosion shook the same plant last Friday, injuring one worker. Fire officials said Friday's blast resulted when a safety cap blew off a vaporizer used in a chemical process.
About 40 persons were believed at work when Sunday's blast occurred around 7 p. m.
The building that blew up - known to employes as V1 - disintegrated from the force of the explosion. Then the fire skipped to another building 200 feet away where compounds were used to make vinyl resins. This burned for hours.
Evacuees from 100 or...
Attleboro, Mass. (AP) - An explosion heard for miles leveled a chemical plant building Sunday night, inflicting death and injury on a Sunday shift.
Further blasts were feared as fire swept a warehouse.
Two persons were known dead and at least 10 injured.
The dead were identified as WILLIAM CANIGLIA, 35, North Providence, R. I., and NORMAN ST. PIERRE, 29.
The blast at the THOMPSON Chemical Co. plant was heard in Boston, about 40 miles north of Attleboro.
A lesser explosion shook the same plant last Friday, injuring one worker. Fire officials said Friday's blast resulted when a safety cap blew off a vaporizer used in a chemical process.
About 40 persons were believed at work when Sunday's blast occurred around 7 p. m.
The building that blew up - known to employes as V1 - disintegrated from the force of the explosion. Then the fire skipped to another building 200 feet away where compounds were used to make vinyl resins. This burned for hours.
Evacuees from 100 or...
2023 - Whether you're a local looking for new adventures or a visitor exploring the area, there are plenty of places to go and things to do in Attleboro. Here's a list to get you started:
Capron Park Zoo:
Begin your exploration of Attleboro by visiting the Capron Park Zoo. It's a small but well-maintained zoo that's perfect for families. You can see a variety of animals, including lions, kangaroos, and lemurs, in a lush and scenic setting.
Balfour Riverwalk Park:
Enjoy a peaceful stroll along the Balfour Riverwalk Park. This scenic path follows the Bungay River and provides a tranquil escape from the city's hustle and bustle. It's an excellent spot for birdwatching and picnicking.
Dodgeville Mill:
History buffs will appreciate a visit to the Dodgeville Mill. This historic mill, built in 1810, offers a glimpse into the town's industrial past. Take a tour and learn about the history of textile production in Attleboro.
Attleboro Arts Museum:
Explore the local art scene at the Attleboro Arts Museum. They regularly feature exhibitions showcasing the work of regional and national artists. It's a great place to appreciate visual arts and even take part in... Read MORE...
Capron Park Zoo:
Begin your exploration of Attleboro by visiting the Capron Park Zoo. It's a small but well-maintained zoo that's perfect for families. You can see a variety of animals, including lions, kangaroos, and lemurs, in a lush and scenic setting.
Balfour Riverwalk Park:
Enjoy a peaceful stroll along the Balfour Riverwalk Park. This scenic path follows the Bungay River and provides a tranquil escape from the city's hustle and bustle. It's an excellent spot for birdwatching and picnicking.
Dodgeville Mill:
History buffs will appreciate a visit to the Dodgeville Mill. This historic mill, built in 1810, offers a glimpse into the town's industrial past. Take a tour and learn about the history of textile production in Attleboro.
Attleboro Arts Museum:
Explore the local art scene at the Attleboro Arts Museum. They regularly feature exhibitions showcasing the work of regional and national artists. It's a great place to appreciate visual arts and even take part in... Read MORE...
Discover MY Roots: Attleboro Ancestry
Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA
We currently have information about 123 ancestors who were born or died in Attleboro.View Them Now (sorted by year of birth)
Ancestors Who Were Married in Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA
We currently have information about ancestors who were married in Attleboro.View Them Now
Genealogy Resources for Attleboro
Our Attleboro Gift Ideas

Massachusetts Gift Idea - Made in MASS, Got Wicked Class - Ceramic Mug 15oz
Our 15oz Ceramic Mug is the perfect blend way to show your Massachusetts pride. Whether you're a lifelong Massachusetts resident or just passing through, you'll appreciate the "wicked class" that this mug exudes.

Massachusetts Gift t shirt Made in MASS, Got Wicked Class Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt
Are you looking for a t-shirt that's as comfortable as it is stylish? Look no further! Our Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt is the perfect blend of comfort, quality, and Massachusetts pride. Whether you're a lifelong Massachusetts resident or just passing through, you'll appreciate the "wicked class" that this shirt exudes.

Massachusetts Gifts - Cranberries, Baked Beans and Fluffernutter - I Love Massachusetts! - Ceramic Mug MA
Our Ceramic Mug, Cranberries, Baked Beans, and Fluffernutter - I Love Massachusetts! is more than just a beverage holder; it's a piece of art that celebrates the flavors and traditions of the Bay State. So whether you're sipping your morning coffee, evening tea, or a comforting cup of hot cocoa, you can do it with style and a dash of Massachusetts charm. Plus, it's a fantastic conversation starter. Imagine sharing stories about your favorite Massachusetts memories while enjoying a drink from this delightful mug.

Massachusetts Baby Gift - Bay State Baby: Made in MASS, Loved Worldwide! - Baby Short Sleeve Onesie®
Join the Bay State Baby family and let your baby's style shine with a onesie showing that your baby was made in Mass. and is loved worldwide. Because when it comes to dressing your little bundle of joy, nothing beats the perfect blend of comfort, style, and hometown pride!

Massachusetts Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug - Celebrate Your Bay State Heritage!
Show off your deep-rooted connection to the Bay State with our Massachusetts Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug! Perfect for sipping your favorite brew while tracing family history, this ceramic mug is a tribute to the rich heritage of Massachusetts.

Patriotic Memories: Memorial Day Vintage Postcard Coffee Mug
Remembering the Brave, Honoring the Fallen Celebrate the spirit of Memorial Day with this stunning ceramic coffee mug featuring vintage postcards commemorating the holiday. Perfect for honoring the brave men and women who served, this mug is both a functional keepsake and a nostalgic work of art. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee or enjoying an afternoon tea, this dishwasher-safe and microwave-friendly mug is a timeless way to show your patriotism. Ideal as a gift for veterans, history buffs, or anyone who cherishes American traditions, this mug makes Memorial Day even more meaningful.
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NOTE: If you don't know your ancestor's whole name or are unsure of the spelling, specify part of the name.Updated: 9/22/2023 7:20:33 PM