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flag  History of Nevada, USA

Journey back in time to Nevada, USA

Visit Nevada, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Nevada, USA -  Nevada, USA - Round house and Shops, Sparks, Nev.

Nevada is a state of extremes. It has the least rainfall of any state, one of the smallest populations, and twenty-eight north-south mountain ranges that wrinkle the floor of the Great Basin. In total Nevada has over 100 mountain ranges, making it the most mountainous state in the nation. Its mines have produced vast amounts of silver, gold, and copper. Most of its rivers drain into “sinks” without outlets where the water evaporates, leaving alkali mud flats and dry lakes. Yet, it is one of the most visited of the fifty states, thanks to Reno and Las Vegas.

In 1899 Charles Fey invented a slot machine named the Liberty Bell. The device became the model for all slots to follow.

There were 16,067 slots in Nevada in 1960. In 1999 Nevada had 205,726 slot machines, one for every 10 residents.

Nevada takes its name from a Spanish word meaning snow-clad. Most of the state is desert but the Sierra Nevada mountain range near Reno and the Ruby Mountains near Elko has snow for half the year.

Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the nation. It is second in the world behind South Africa.

Nevada contains the most mountain ranges of any state in the USA. In Spanish, Nevada is "snow-capped range".

From 1951 to 1992, a swath of land about 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas was used for hundreds of nuclear weapons tests.

The U.S. government owns 80% of the land in Nevada.

There is MUCH more to discover about Nevada, USA. Read on!

Nevada Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Nevada, USA - Round house and Shops, Sparks, Nev.
Nevada, USA

Round house and Shops, Sparks, Nev.
Nevada, USA - Switchboard used in the Southern Nevada Consolidated Telephones and Telegraph Company offices in Gol
Nevada, USA
Switchboard used in the Southern Nevada Consolidated Telephones and Telegraph Company offices in Goldfield, Nevada
Nevada, USA - Reno, The Biggest Little City in the World
Nevada, USA

Reno, The Biggest Little City in the World
Nevada, USA - Ormsby County Court House, Carson City, Nevada
Nevada, USA

Ormsby County Court House, Carson City, Nevada
Nevada, USA - Visit Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Nevada, USA

Visit Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Nevada, USA - Flag of Nevada
Adopted July 25, 1991
Nevada, USA
Flag of Nevada
Adopted July 25, 1991

Discover Nevada: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1821 - Mexico took control of the Nevada area webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ nvtimeln.htm
1841 - Earliest immigrants, the Bartleson-Bidwell party, passed through Nevada
In 1841, the Bartleson-Bidwell Party became one of the first organized groups of American immigrants to pass through Nevada on their way to California. Comprised of around 69 men, women, and children, this party was led by John Bartleson and John Bidwell. Their journey marked a significant moment in the westward expansion of the United States, as they navigated through harsh and unfamiliar terrain without the benefit of well-established trails.

The Bartleson-Bidwell Party traveled across the Great Basin, encountering numerous challenges, including difficult mountain passes, scarce water sources, and extreme weather conditions. Despite these obstacles, they managed to traverse what would later become the Nevada territory, setting a precedent for future settlers. Their successful passage through Nevada highlighted the feasibility of overland travel to California, encouraging subsequent waves of pioneers and contributing to the westward movement that shaped American history. webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ nvtimeln.htm
1842 - Capt. John Fremont and party were first white men to view Lake Tahoe
In 1842, Captain John C. Frémont led an expedition that became the first recorded group of European Americans to view Lake Tahoe. Frémont, a notable explorer and surveyor, was on a mission to chart the American West, and his journey through the Sierra Nevada brought him to the shores of the pristine lake. Accompanied by his guide, Kit Carson, and a small party, Frémont's discovery marked a significant moment in the exploration of the region, highlighting the natural beauty and potential of the vast and largely unknown western territories.

The expedition's encounter with Lake Tahoe not only added to the geographic knowledge of the area but also opened up future possibilities for settlement and development. Frémont's detailed journals and maps provided valuable information that would later assist in the westward expansion of the United States. webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ nvtimeln.htm
1848 - Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, ended the war with Mexico, the United States acquired Nevada.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, marked the end of the Mexican-American War, a conflict that had begun in 1846 over territorial disputes following the U.S. annexation of Texas. The treaty's terms were significant, as Mexico ceded a vast portion of its northern territories to the United States. This land, known as the Mexican Cession, included present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Texas. In exchange, the U.S. agreed to pay Mexico $15 million and assumed $3.25 million in claims made by American citizens against the Mexican government.

The acquisition of Nevada, along with the other territories, was a critical moment in American expansion, embodying the concept of Manifest Destiny—the belief that the U.S. was destined to expand across the North American continent. This territorial gain not only increased the landmass of the United States but also fueled economic growth and migration westward. The... Read MORE...

1849 - March 18 - State of Deseret, including most of Nevada and Utah, was organized by the Mormons with Brigham Young as Governor (not recognized by Congress).
In 1849, on March 18th, the Mormons established the State of Deseret, encompassing a vast area that included most of present-day Nevada and Utah. This move was a significant development in the history of the American West, reflecting the Mormon pioneers' efforts to establish their own state and governance system. Brigham Young, a prominent leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was appointed as the governor of Deseret, symbolizing the strong influence of the Mormon community in the region.

Despite its establishment and the Mormon settlers' efforts to govern themselves, the State of Deseret was not officially recognized by the United States Congress. This lack of recognition posed challenges for the Mormon settlers in terms of legal status, representation, and interactions with the federal government. Eventually, in 1850, the U.S. Congress created the Utah Territory, which incorporated much of the area initially encompassed by Deseret, leading to the gradual... Read MORE...

1859 - Nevada was made famous by the discovery of the fabulous Comstock Lode. Its mines have produced large quantities of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, mercury, barite, and tungsten.
The discovery of the Comstock Lode in 1859 in Nevada was a pivotal event in American history, transforming the region into a major hub of mining activity and significantly impacting the economy and settlement patterns of the American West. The Comstock Lode, a rich vein of silver ore, was discovered by Henry Comstock and a group of prospectors, leading to a mining boom in the area.

The mines of the Comstock Lode produced immense quantities of silver and gold, making Nevada one of the richest mining regions in the United States. The discovery of the Comstock Lode also led to the rapid development of cities such as Virginia City, which grew into bustling centers of commerce and industry. The wealth generated by the mines attracted people from all over the country, fueling the growth of Nevada's population and economy. resources/ state-facts/ nevada.html
1861 - Nevada population 14,404

1864 - October 31 - Nevada became 36th state webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ nvtimeln.htm
1869 - Gambling was legalized in Nevada - transcontinental railroad crossed Nevada for the first time
In 1869, a pivotal moment occurred in Nevada's history with the legalization of gambling, a decision that would profoundly impact the state's culture and economy. The move came at a time when Nevada was experiencing significant growth and change, driven in part by the completion of the transcontinental railroad, which crossed the state for the first time that same year. The railroad's arrival marked a new era of connectivity and opportunity for Nevada, linking it more closely with the rest of the country and opening up avenues for trade and development.

The legalization of gambling was a strategic move by Nevada's leaders to stimulate the state's economy and attract more settlers and businesses. This decision laid the foundation for the development of the state's gambling industry, which would later become a defining feature of Nevada's identity, particularly in cities like Las Vegas and Reno. The combination of the railroad's arrival and the legalization of gambling set Nevada on... Read MORE...

1869 - The Nevada Assembly has stricken out the word "white" from the Constitution by a vote of 24 to 14. The Constitutional Amendment for female suffrage was defeated.

St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 6, 1869
1871 - Nevada silk-worms reeled out 300,000 cocoons last year.

St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
June 17, 1871
1889 - January 1 - A total eclipse is seen over parts of California and Nevada.
January 1, 1889
1895 - Nevada
Nevada, ne-vah'da, one of the Pacific states of the American Union, bounded N. by Oregon and Idaho, E. by Utah and Arizona, S.W. and W. by California. Excepting small areas in the N., which are drained by affluents of the Columbia, and a small section in the S., whence the water flows into the Rio Colorado, all the state belongs to the so called Great Basin, or Fremont Basin, a region whose scanty waters do not flow to the sea. The northern border of the state is in lat. 42° N.; the eastern limit is, for the most part, the meridian of 114° W. long.; and southward for more than 200 miles from the N.W. angle of the state the meridian of 120° W. is the western boundary-line. At the extreme S.E. the Rio Colorado for some distance divides Nevada from Arizona. Area, 110,700 square miles...

Indians—The aboriginals are mainly of Piute, Shoshone, and other kindred stock. They number 1552, and, notwithstanding their degraded condition when first known to white men, they have generally been... Read MORE...

1899 - Nevada - Charles Fey invented a slot machine named the Liberty Bell. The device became the model for all slots to follow.
In 1899, in the state of Nevada, Charles Fey made a significant breakthrough in the world of gambling by inventing the Liberty Bell, the first-ever slot machine. This machine revolutionized the gambling industry and became the prototype for all future slot machines. The Liberty Bell was a simple three-reel machine that featured five symbols: diamonds, hearts, spades, horseshoes, and the Liberty Bell itself. Players would pull a lever to spin the reels and if they landed on a winning combination, they would receive a payout.

Fey's invention was a major success and quickly gained popularity in bars, saloons, and casinos across the United States. The Liberty Bell's success paved the way for the modern slot machine, which has become a staple in casinos worldwide. resources/ state-facts/ nevada.html
1918 - State prohibition law went into effect webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ nvtimeln.htm
1924 - February 7 - Capital punishment: The first state execution using gas in the United States takes place in Nevada.
On February 7, 1924, a significant moment in American legal history occurred in Nevada, marking the first state execution in the United States using gas. This method of capital punishment, known as the gas chamber, was a new and controversial form of execution at the time. The execution took place at the Nevada State Prison in Carson City, involving a prisoner named Gee Jon, convicted of murder.

The introduction of the gas chamber as a means of execution represented a shift in how the death penalty was carried out, moving away from more traditional methods such as hanging or firing squad.
February 7, 1924
1931 - March 17 – Nevada legalizes gambling.
In 1931, Nevada made a historic decision by legalizing gambling, a move that would significantly impact the state's economy and cultural landscape. On March 17th, the state legislature passed Assembly Bill 98, which effectively ended the long-standing ban on gambling that had been in place since the early 20th century. This decision was partly driven by the economic hardships of the Great Depression, as Nevada sought new ways to generate revenue and attract tourists to the state.

The legalization of gambling in Nevada, particularly in cities like Las Vegas and Reno, led to the rapid growth of the gaming industry in the state. Casinos and resorts began to spring up, transforming these once-sleepy desert towns into bustling hubs of entertainment and luxury. The move also had lasting effects on the state's economy, as gambling became a major source of revenue, tourism flourished, and Nevada became synonymous with the thrill and excitement of gaming.
March 17, 1931
1935 - September 30 - Roosevelt Dedicates Boulder Dam (later to be known as Hoover Dam)
Government Spending Is To Be Ended
Private Industry Mus Now Maintain Recovery Pay Says F.R.

by Frederick A. Storm
United Press White House Correspondent

BOULDER DAM, Nev., Sept. 30 (U.P.) - Government spending has created the purchasing power - now it is up to private industry to maintain the recovery pace set by the New Deal, President Roosevelt told the nation today.

The 108,000,000 Boulder dam completed with PWA funds, and American's greatest engineering achievement since the Panama canal served as a fitting backdrop to Mr. Roosevelt's speech, which clearly indicated that the administration had also completed its major financing program in putting the idle back to work.

Private Industry Must Aid -
"It is a simple fact," the chief executive said as he participated in the dam dedicatory exercises, "that the government spending is already beginning to show definite signs of its effect on consumer spending, that the putting of people to work by the government has put... Read MORE...

1936 - October 9 - The Hoover Dam Produces Electricity
The Hoover Dam took almost five years to build. It stands 726 feet tall and is 660 feet thick at its base. Many dams are built to control flooding, but the Hoover Dam is hydroelectric.

The Hoover Dam uses the water in the Colorado River to produce electricity. On October 9, 1936, this huge project began to generate electricity for people in Nevada, Arizona, and California.

During the Great Depression, many Americans did not have jobs. The construction of the dam created work for thousands of people who came from all over the country. When the Hoover dam was built in Nevada, the federal government created an entire town so the workers and their families had a place to stay. It was called Boulder City. Still, workers faced very hard conditions such as safety hazards and worked in temperatures that could be hotter than 120 degrees!

The Hoover Dam tamed the wild Colorado River, supplied electricity to people in the West, and provided jobs to many others. However, there were... Read MORE...

1951 - The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission began testing in newly established Nevada Proving Grounds
In 1951, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission initiated a series of nuclear tests at the newly established Nevada Proving Grounds, marking a significant chapter in the history of atomic testing. The tests were part of the broader nuclear arms race during the Cold War, as the United States sought to develop and refine its nuclear arsenal. Located in the desert of Nevada, the proving grounds provided a remote and secure location for conducting these tests, away from populated areas.

The Nevada tests included a variety of nuclear detonations, ranging from underground to atmospheric tests, which had profound effects on the surrounding environment and nearby communities. The tests were not without controversy, as they raised concerns about the health and safety of those involved in the tests, as well as the potential environmental impact of nuclear fallout. webimage/ countrys/ namerica/ usstates/ nvtimeln.htm
There's something for everyone in the Silver State. Here's a list of places to go and things to do in Nevada:
Las Vegas: No visit to Nevada is complete without experiencing the entertainment capital of the world. Explore the famous Las Vegas Strip, catch a show, try your luck at the casinos, or simply people-watch.

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area: Just a short drive from Las Vegas, this stunning desert landscape offers hiking trails, rock climbing, and the chance to see unique geological formations.

Hoover Dam: Located on the border of Nevada and Arizona, this engineering marvel is an iconic attraction. Take a guided tour to learn about its history and significance.

Lake Tahoe: Head to this breathtaking alpine lake, which straddles the Nevada-California border. Enjoy boating, hiking, skiing (in winter), or simply relax on the beaches.

Great Basin National Park: Located in eastern Nevada, this park offers opportunities for stargazing, cave exploration (Lehman Caves), and hiking in the beautiful Wheeler Peak area.

Reno: Known as the "Biggest Little City in the World,"... Read MORE...

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Genealogy Resources for Nevada

Our Nevada Gift Ideas

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Nevada Gift Idea - Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Lake Tahoe - I Love Nevada! - Ceramic Mug NV Gift

Show your love for the Battle Born State with each sip. It's a conversation starter, a cherished keepsake, and a reminder of all the adventures and memories you've created in Nevada. So, why wait? Add a touch of Nevada charm to your everyday routine with this stunning Ceramic Mug!

Nevada Dreamin' Ceramic Mug – Lake Tahoe Enthusiast Edition

Embrace your inner Nevadan with this charming ceramic coffee mug, perfect for anyone who proudly claims the Silver State as home. Featuring the playful caption, "I'm from Nevada. That explains a lot about my love for Lake Tahoe, where I ski in winter and tan in summer, sometimes in the same day!"—this mug is a delightful ode to those sunny slopes and snowy peaks that make Lake Tahoe a year-round paradise.

NEVADA ANCESTRY - "My Ancestors Came From Nevada" Mug – The Ultimate Road Trip Companion

Sip your coffee with a side of desert charm! This Nevada-inspired mug proudly boasts the caption: "My Ancestors Came From Nevada. That explains a lot about my love for road trips through endless desert highways, where the tumbleweeds have the right of way."

Patriotic Memories: Memorial Day Vintage Postcard Coffee Mug

Remembering the Brave, Honoring the Fallen Celebrate the spirit of Memorial Day with this stunning ceramic coffee mug featuring vintage postcards commemorating the holiday. Perfect for honoring the brave men and women who served, this mug is both a functional keepsake and a nostalgic work of art. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee or enjoying an afternoon tea, this dishwasher-safe and microwave-friendly mug is a timeless way to show your patriotism. Ideal as a gift for veterans, history buffs, or anyone who cherishes American traditions, this mug makes Memorial Day even more meaningful.
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Updated: 1/30/2025 5:20:28 PM