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flag  History of Southbury, Connecticut, USA

Journey back in time to Southbury, Connecticut, USA

Visit Southbury, Connecticut, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Southbury, Connecticut, USA - Southbury, Connecticut, USA - Greetings from Southbury, Conn.

Southbury is the only town in America called "Southbury." Its town seal says "unica unaque," Latin for "the one and only."

There is MUCH more to discover about Southbury, Connecticut, USA. Read on!

Southbury Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Southbury, Connecticut, USA - Greetings from Southbury, Conn.
Southbury, Connecticut, USA

Greetings from Southbury, Conn.
Southbury, Connecticut, USA -
Southbury, Connecticut, USA

"The Shelton Homestead", Southbury, Conn.
Southbury, Connecticut, USA - View Looking North, Southbury, Conn.
Southbury, Connecticut, USA

View Looking North, Southbury, Conn.

Discover Southbury: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1787 - Southbury incorporated in 1787 towns-page/ southbury/
1819 - Southbury
Southbury is a post town, situated in the northwestern section of the county, upon the northeast side of the Ousatonick river, 40 miles southwest from Hartford; bounded on the north by Roxbury and Woodubry, in Litchfield county, on the east by Middlebury, on the southeast by Oxford, on the south and southwest by the Ousatonick river, which separates it from Newtown, in Fairfield county, and on the west by New-Milford, in Litchfield county. The average length of the township from east to west, is 8 miles, and its average breadth 4 miles, comprising an area of 32 square miles. The surface is waving, being pleasantly diversified with moderate hills and dales. The prevailing soil is a sandy loam, generally warm and fertile. The natural growth of timber is deciduous; and it is estimated by our correspondent, that the forests embrace nearly one fourth part of the lands of the township. The agricultural productions consist of rye, corn, oats, flax, potatoes, pork, beef, cider, cider brandy... Read MORE...

1839 - Southbury
Southbury, Connecticut
New Haven county. The principal village in this town is pleasantly situated on the Pamperaug, a fine mill stream, which passes through the town. This village is 20 miles N.W. from New Haven and 40 S.W. from Hartford.

The village of South Britain is about 4 miles S.W. from the principal, or central village: it is a flourishing place, containing a number of neat buildings, a carpet and several hat factories. This village is surrounded by high hills and precipices, and has a romantic and picturesque appearance. The surface of the town is generally uneven: there is some good meadow land on Housatonick, Pamperaug, and Shepaug rivers, and the uplands are warm and productive. Some traces of coal have been discovered.

The northern part of the town is called "White Oak," from an oak tree under which the first persons who explored the town encamped. Pieces of this tree are considered by some as precious relics. Southbury was formerly attached to Litchfield county.... Read MORE...

1854 - Southbury
Southbury, a post-village of New Haven county, Connecticut, 22 miles N.W. by N. from New Haven. On the main street, which is beautifully shaded, are situated 2 churches, an academy, a hotel, and several fine residences. Pop. of the township, 1484.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
1870 - The oldest office-holder in the United States is probably the Town Clerk of Southbury, Conn., who is 95 years old.

St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
December 17, 1870
1889 - Capitalists boring for oil at Southbury, Conn., were rejoicing on the 26th over the discovery of oil at a depth of eleven hundred feet.
The drill run through a vein of earth in which there was much silver.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
February 2, 1889
1895 - Southbury
Southbury, a post-village in Southbury township, New Haven co., Conn., on the Pomeraug River, 10 miles S.W. of Waterbury, and 22 miles N.W. of New Haven. It has 3 churches, and manufactures of paper, woollen goods, and ploughs. The township is bounded S.W. by the Housatonic River. Pop. of township about 1500.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
Southbury, a post-village in Southbury township (town), New Haven co., Conn., on the Pomeraug River, 10 miles SW. of Waterbury. It has manufactures of farm-implements. Pop. of the town in 1900, 1238.
Lippincott's New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns ... in Every Portion of the Globe Publisher J.B. Lippincott Company, 1906
Here's a list of places to go and things to do in Southbury:
Kettletown State Park:

Take a day trip to Kettletown State Park for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying the scenic beauty. There are also opportunities for fishing and boating on the lake.

Southford Falls State Park:

Another great park, Southford Falls, offers hiking trails, beautiful waterfalls, and a serene atmosphere. It's an excellent spot for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful escape.

Quassy Amusement Park:

For some family-friendly fun, head to Quassy Amusement Park. It's a classic amusement park with rides, a water park, and entertainment for all ages.

Heritage Village:

Explore Heritage Village, a 55-and-over community with a quaint New England feel. The village has charming architecture, a town green, and various amenities.

Southbury Plaza:

If you're in the mood for shopping, Southbury Plaza has a variety of stores, restaurants, and services to explore.

Pomperaug Golf Club:

Golf enthusiasts can tee off at the Pomperaug Golf Club, a... Read MORE...

Discover MY Roots: Southbury Ancestry

Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Southbury, Connecticut, USA

We currently have information about 21 ancestors who were born or died in Southbury.

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Ancestors Who Were Married in Southbury, Connecticut, USA

We currently have information about ancestors who were married in Southbury.

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Genealogy Resources for Southbury

Our Southbury Gift Ideas

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Connecticut Gift Idea - Apizza, Burger on Toast, White Clam Pizza - I Love Connecticut! - CT Mug for Genealogists Family History

Featuring iconic local delicacies, the design of this mug captures the essence of Connecticut's food culture. It pays homage to the Apizza, a unique and mouthwatering pizza style that originated in New Haven. The legendary Louis' Lunch Burger, said to be the birthplace of the hamburger, is also prominently featured. And of course, there's a nod to the classic White Clam Pizza, a coastal favorite that's a must-try for seafood enthusiasts.

Savin Rock, Connecticut Memories Vintage Postcard Ceramic Mug

Introducing the Memories of Savin Rock ceramic postcard mug, a charming tribute to the iconic amusement park in Connecticut! This 11-ounce ceramic coffee mug is a delightful blend of nostalgia and functionality. Featuring a vintage-inspired design, the mug showcases iconic images and landmarks from Savin Rock amusement park, evoking fond memories of days gone by.

My Connecticut Roots Mug: Bed-and-Breakfast Enthusiast Edition

Start your day with a sip of history and charm from our Connecticut-inspired ceramic mug, proudly proclaiming: "My ancestors came from Connecticut, that explains a lot about my love for charming bed-and-breakfasts and discussing the nuances of colonial architecture." This delightful mug is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life, like cozy mornings at quaint inns and lively conversations about the elegance of colonial design.

Patriotic Memories: Memorial Day Vintage Postcard Coffee Mug

Remembering the Brave, Honoring the Fallen Celebrate the spirit of Memorial Day with this stunning ceramic coffee mug featuring vintage postcards commemorating the holiday. Perfect for honoring the brave men and women who served, this mug is both a functional keepsake and a nostalgic work of art. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee or enjoying an afternoon tea, this dishwasher-safe and microwave-friendly mug is a timeless way to show your patriotism. Ideal as a gift for veterans, history buffs, or anyone who cherishes American traditions, this mug makes Memorial Day even more meaningful.
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Updated: 10/8/2023 2:44:21 PM