Ancestry Pedigree Chart for Clarinda Adelia GIFFORD
(Choose an individual for more details)What is a Pedigree Chart?
A Pedigree Chart is a family tree chart used in genealogy.
"The chart most people begin with is a pedigree chart. This chart begins with you and branches back in time, displaying the line of your direct ancestors. Most pedigree charts cover four generations, including space to include names plus dates and places of birth, marriage and death for each individual." ( od/ free_charts/ a/ forms.htm)
Clarinda Adelia GIFFORD (b. October 31, 1874, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram) d. , ) |
Harrison M. GIFFORD (b. November 10, 1846, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram) d. October 24, 1912, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)) |
Sarah Elizabeth CORNELL (b. November 21, 1844, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram) d. November 1, 1907, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)) |