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American Revolution

American point of view: The British used the colonies as a way to make money. They had the power to enact laws in Parliament outside of America which significantly affected life and trade in the 13 colonies. These Acts of Parliament benefited the British but not the colonies. In addition, colonists were not afforded the same rights as the British people, nor did they have any representatives in the British Parliament to present their points of view. The colonists protested and their protests led to revolution.

British point of view: The British view on the American Revolution was that the colonies owed the empire for everything it had provided, such as protection, economy, and supplies. In reality, the British people were divided about the outbreak of war with what was then their colony—over how bad it was, whose fault it was and what to do about it. (

View from Canada: "At the time of the outbreak of the American Revolution, the population of the Canadian provinces was not large by comparison to the population of the thirteen colonies. Nova Scotia, which had not yet been divided from modern New Brunswick, had some 20,000 inhabitants, of whom approximately 12,000 were from New England. The majority were living in scattered rural settlements and had little in the wayof political interests... According to a Nova Scotia petition laid before the Continental Congress, some six hundred settlers were believed to be able and willing to aid the Revolution. The white population of what is now Ontario was virtually non-existent. Quebec had a population of approximately 90,000... From 10% to 15% of the adult male population of Quebec was sufficiently active in support of the Amercian Revolution to warrant their names being recorded so in government records. Large numbers of others provided more or less passive support; they sold supplies, mounted guard, provided transportation services when they were requisitioned, etc. Most of the rest of the population was deliberately neutral, apparently seeing the dispute as none of their business..." In addition to the Quebecois, many Acadians joined the American Revolution. They strongly disliked the British because the British exiled them from Acadia in 1755. Many spent time exiled in the American colonies and, thus, became fluent in English.
(Canadian participants in the American Revolution, an index, by Virginia DeMarce -

These ancestors played an active role in the U.S. Revolutionary War / American War of Independence:

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Henry BEMIS (28 January 1750, Weston, Massachusetts, USA - 24 June 1833, Littleton, New Hampshire, USA (Chiswick))
(John BEMIS & Hannah WARREN)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  photo of ancestor   David BENGE (1 August 1760, Albemarle County, Virginia, USA - 3 March 1854, Manchester, Clay County, Kentucky, USA)
(Thomas BENGE & Susannah LEWIS)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Thomas BENGE (1738, Albemarle County, Virginia, USA - 1811, , North Carolina, USA)
(Thomas BENGE & Martha MARTIN)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Michel BERGERON (1736, Annapolis Royal, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada (Port Royal, Acadia) - 3 January 1832, Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Le Haut-Richelieu, Québec, Canada (Saint-Gregoire-le-Grand))
(Michel BERGERON dit NANTES & Marie DUGAS)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Augustin BERNIER (9 June 1709, Cap-St-Ignace, Québec, Canada (Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola) - 16 June 1785 , Cap-St-Ignace, Québec, Canada (Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola))
(Charles BERNIER & Marie-Anne LEMIEUX)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jean-Francois BERUBE (26 November 1752, Rivière-Ouelle, Québec, Canada (Notre-Dame-de-Liesse) - 25 March 1833, Rivière-Ouelle, Québec, Canada (Notre-Dame-de-Liesse))
(Jean BERUBE & Geneviève MIVILLE dite DESCHENES)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  John Frederick BIEBER (13 October 1750, , Pennsylvania, USA - 20 June 1825, )
American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Joseph-Marie BIGOT dit DUVAL (26 March 1720, Champlain, Québec, Canada (Notre-Dame-de-la-Visitation) - 15 May 1810, Batiscan, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Geneviève-de-Batiscan) (Saint-François-Xavier))
(Jean-Baptiste BIGOT & Anne-Celeste TURCOT (TURCOTTE))

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Roger BILLINGS (19 March 1708, Preston, Connecticut, USA (Poquetanuck) - 27 January 1792, Griswold, Connecticut, USA (Jewett City))
(William BILLINGS & Hannah STERRY)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jean-Baptiste BILODEAU (12 November 1719, Saint-François-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Québec, Canada - 7 January 1789, Sainte-Marie, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce))
(Francois BILODEAU & Marie BAUCHER dite MORENCY)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Daniel BIXBY (May 1763, Winchendon, Massachusetts, USA - 06/15/1840, Chazy, New York, USA (Sciota))
(Daniel BIXBY & Tabitha UNKNOWN)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Ezekiel BLACKMAR (6 August 1742, Glocester, Rhode Island, USA (West Glocester) (Chepachet) (Harmony) - 12 June 1841, Thompson, Connecticut, USA (North Grosvenordale) (Quinebaug) (Fabyan) (Mechanicsville))
American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Augustin BLAIS (12 August 1749, Berthier-sur-Mer, Québec, Canada (Berthier-en-Bas) (Berthier) - 2 February 1826, Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City))
(Augustin BLAIS & Madeleine FORTIER)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jean-Baptiste BLAIS (1 September 1738, Berthier-sur-Mer, Québec, Canada (Berthier-en-Bas) (Berthier) - 15 February 1793, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre))
(Augustin BLAIS & Madeleine FORTIER)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Joseph-Marie BLAIS (16 August 1750, Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada (Saint-François-de-Sales-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud) - 29 April 1821, Saint-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada)
(Joseph-Marie BLAIS & Marie-Charlotte LEBLONDE (LEBLOND))

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Augustus BLANCHARD (29 July 1746, Dunstable, Massachusetts, USA - 27 February 1809, Milford, New Hampshire, USA)
(Joseph BLANCHARD & Rebecca HUBBARD)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Augustin BLANCHET (1729, , Québec Province, Canada (Quebec) - 1800, )
(Jean-Baptiste BLANCHET & Geneviève ROUSSEAU)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Gabriel BLOUIN (February 1740, Berthier-sur-Mer, Québec, Canada (Berthier-en-Bas) (Berthier) - 28 December 1804, Berthier-sur-Mer, Québec, Canada (Berthier-en-Bas) (Berthier))
(Gabriel BLOUIN & Marie-Angélique BEAUDOIN)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Antoine Amable BOILEAU (11 June 1734, Chambly, Québec, Canada (Saint-Joseph-de-Chambly) - 9 February 1805, Chazy, New York, USA (Sciota))
(René BOILEAU & Marie-Anne ROBERT dite FONTAINE)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Etienne BOIS (23 December 1738, La Pocatière, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere) - 27 February 1809, La Pocatière, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere))
(Jacques BOIS & Marie-Angélique MIGNIER dite LAGACÉ)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Levi BOSTWICK (June 1756, Brookfield, Connecticut, USA - 3 May 1826, Brookfield, Connecticut, USA)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Allen BOSWORTH (7 November 1758, Ashford, Connecticut, USA - 18 March 1830, Eastford, Connecticut, USA (Phoenixville))

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  David BOTSFORD (11 August 1713, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Westville) - 20 January 1796, Milford, Connecticut, USA)
(Samuel BOTSFORD & Hannah CAMP)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Pierre BOUCHARD (2 February 1728, Montmagny, Québec, Canada (Saint-Thomas) (Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire) - 25 November 1797, Saint-Vallier, Québec, Canada)
(Nicolas BOUCHARD & Anne VEAU dite SYLVAIN)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Joseph BOUCHER (26 January 1736, Kamouraska, Québec, Canada (Saint-Louis) (Saint-Alexandre) - 1786, )

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Antoine-Pierre BOUDRIAULT dit LABONTE (8 November 1720, Rivière-des-Prairies, Montréal, Québec, Canada (Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rivière-des-Prairies)* - 1804, )

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Joseph-Marie BOULET (BOULAY) (12 September 1735, Berthier-sur-Mer, Québec, Canada (Berthier-en-Bas) (Berthier) - 5 March 1808, Saint-Vallier, Québec, Canada)
(Jean BOULET (BOULAY) & Marie-Madeleine ANCELIN (ASSELIN))

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Robert BOULET (BOULAY) (16 February 1727, Berthier-sur-Mer, Québec, Canada (Berthier-en-Bas) (Berthier) - 31 January 1808, Saint-Gervais, Bellechasse, Québec, Canada (Saints-Gervais-et-Protais))
(Jacques BOULET (BOULAY) & Agathe MORIN)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jean-Baptiste BOURBEAU dit CARIGNAN (30 September 1753, Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets, Québec, Canada - 21 April 1833, Bécancour, Nicolet, Québec, Canada (Nativité-de-Notre-Dame-de-Becancour) (Saint-Edouard-de-Gentilly))
(François BOURBEAU dit CARIGNAN & Marie-Louise GENEST dite LABARRE)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  François BOURG (BOURQUE) (1723, Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada (Beaubassin, Acadia) (Fort Lawrence) - 14 May 1808, Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Le Haut-Richelieu, Québec, Canada (Saint-Gregoire-le-Grand))
(François BOURG & Catherine CORMIER)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jean-Vallier BOUTIN (16 December 1725, Saint-Vallier, Québec, Canada - 1 November 1812, Saint-Vallier, Québec, Canada)
(Louis BOUTIN & Anne-Charlotte CHORET)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Nathan BOWEN (5 January 1763, Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA - 5 April 1853, Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA)
(Nathan BOWEN & Lettice MILLARD)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Henry BRACE (1744, Hartford, Connecticut, USA - 17 February 1814, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA)
(Henry BRACE & Elizabeth CADWELL)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Amos L BRADLEY (12 May 1712, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Westville) - 5 May 1775, Hamden, Connecticut, USA (Centerville) (Mount Carmel))
(Daniel BRADLEY & Sarah BASSETT)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Daniel BRADLEY (15 July 1750, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA - 2 May 1818, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA)
(Daniel BRADLEY & Abigail HITCHCOCK)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Daniel BRADLEY (16 January 1756, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Westville) - 4 April 1825, East Haven, Connecticut, USA)
(Jacob BRADLEY & Elizabeth GOODSELL)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jesse BRADLEY (4 May 1736, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Westville) - 26 July 1812, Lee, Massachusetts, USA)
(Daniel BRADLEY & Abigail PUNCHARD)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Stephen BRAINERD (24 March 1742, East Hampton, Connecticut, USA (Chatham) - 9 December 1820, East Hampton, Connecticut, USA (Chatham))
(Stephen BRAINERD & Susannah GATES)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Abraham BREWER (15 April 1744, - 17 May 1814, Chemung Co., New York, USA)
American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  John BREWER (1730, - 18 April 1821, Chemung, New York, USA)
American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Josiah BREWER (17 August 1744, Tyringham, Massachusetts, USA - 12 June 1830, Tyringham, Massachusetts, USA)
(John BREWER & Hannah MERRIAM)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Richard BRIGGS (1753, Mansfield, Massachusetts, USA - 11 April 1835, Worthington, Massachusetts, USA)
(Richard BRIGGS & Mercy COBB)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Sweet BRIGGS (1757, North Kingstown, Rhode Island, USA (North Kingston) (Wickford) (Davisville) (Saunderstown) (Allenton) - 23 October 1850, South Kingstown, Rhode Island, USA (Kingston) (West Kingston) (Matunuck) (Peace Dale) (Wakefield))
(Ebenezer BRIGGS & Eleanor SWEET)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Noel-Augustin BRISSON (16 December 1734, Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets, Québec, Canada - 30 May 1809, Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets, Québec, Canada)
(Pierre BRISSON & Catherine COURTEAU)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Jonathan BRITTON (31 December 1760, - 26 November 1844, Otisfield, Maine, USA)
American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Isaac BRONSON (27 March 1707, Middlebury, Connecticut, USA - 7 December 1799, , Connecticut, USA)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Elias BROWN (24 February 1744, Preston, Connecticut, USA (Poquetanuck) - 15 September 1806, Preston, Connecticut, USA (Poquetanuck))
(John BROWN (BROWNE) & Amie (Ame) FELLOWS)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  John BROWN (19 October 1744, Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA (Ayers Village) - 19 October 1780, , New York, USA)
American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  Josiah BROWN (13 January 1757, Hebron, Connecticut, USA (Turnerville) - 19 March 1830, Coventry, Connecticut, USA)
(John Buswell BROWN & Ruth FOX)

American Revolutionary War Soldier  male ancestor  George BROWNELL (9 December 1746, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (North) (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram) - , Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (North) (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram))
(Thomas BROWNELL & Hannah POTTER)

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